Chapter 14

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Hey guys here comes chapter 14. 

Plz tell me how was it. 

And don't forget to vote and comment 


Sharon's POV 

"It's beautiful Jason" I said. Tears weld up in my eyes I was really happy I couldn't believe it was actually happening then I kissed Jason. 

"I am happy that you like my surprise" said Jason looking in high spirit. 

Jason slowly slid the diamond ring on my finger it was beautiful like the one I always wanted and desired for. Jason and I are perfect for each other. He is the one for me I can't imagine my life without him. 

"I am so excited" I said looking thrilled. 

"So am I" said Jason looking all keyed up. 

"I want to tell mom, dad and Sofia" I said and continued "Oh my god I have to call Sofia" 

"Sure" Jason said. 

I quickly dialed Sofia's number and hit the call button I waited for Sofia to pick the call but she didn't answer, I disconnected the call and again dialed excitedly but again no answer, I turned around to see Jason but he was not there. 

"Jason?" I called. He didn't answer. 

"Jason??" I called again and waited but no answer again. 

"Jason plz answer me" I shouted this time. Still there was no answer I was scared now I started searching for Jason but I didn't find him. 

"My love" someone whispered in my ear I turned around to see who it was but I didn't find anyone. 

"Who is there?" I asked in trembled voice. 

"Come to me my love" again someone said. 

"Show me yourself" I shouted, suddenly I saw a black shadow coming towards me. 

"Stop right there" I ordered. 

But the shadow didn't stop instead it was now moving faster, I started to run without knowing where to go I ran as fast as I could but I noticed I came back to same place where I was standing before and the shadow was so close to me I didn't have the courage to move an inch. 

That shadow showed itself to me and I was startled to see who it was. 

"Ashton" I said in shaky voice. 

"Yes my love" he said now smiling. 

"Plz let me go" I begged him. 

"No my love, I love you" he said. 

"But I don't love you" I said. 

"Guards" he shouted. 

I saw two men approaching towards us there was another guy too he was standing in center and the guards was helping him to walk but it was too dark to guess who it was but somehow that person seem known to me. The guards came towards us and I could now easily guess who the other guy is. 

"Jason" I said and ran towards him but was pulled back my arm by Ashton. 

"Leave me" I said. 

"You are not going to go anywhere near him" Ashton said. 

I looked at Jason his nose was bleeding and his lip had a deep cut he was partially unconscious he was badly hurt and he didn't even have the strength to stand. The guards were supporting him. 

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