Chapter 26

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Hey I am really sorry for not updating this long something terrible happened and I was too busy to handle that hope you guys will understand and forgive me, anyways here comes chapter 26.

Hope you will enjoy it.

I will try and update next chapter as soon as possible.

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Sharon’s POV

I followed Ashton down stairs but I was busy thinking about my conversation with Jason, I am really happy today thanks to Martha she is really helping me a lot and I hope the escape plan really works and I can run away from this hell.

We were in hall now and Ashton stopped mid way in hall and turned around and faced me and said “Let us go to the garden”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because you like there and I want to tell you something very important” said Ashton.

“What?” I asked.

“Let’s go to the garden first” he said and led the way to the garden.

We were now in garden area and he was now standing opposite to me,  and looking at me carefully as he was trying to figure out something, I waited patiently for him to speak by the did not say anything. I tried to ignore his uncomfortable stare but failed I wanted him to tell what he wanted to tell and finish this awkward environment.

“What is it?” I asked him.

“I am actually kind of nervous “he said.

Yea right the person who took me away from my family almost killed the person I loved, killed my poor little cat and now he is nervous so funny.

“I didn’t know u even had those kinds of feelings” I said mockingly.

“Don’t act smart Sharon I am in good mood just don’t spoil it” he said looking slightly angry.

Martha asked me to be good to him for me to get out of here and to let our plan work ‘be good’ I said to myself.

“I am sorry” I said and smiled.

“It’s ok, so where I was?” he asked.

“You didn't say anything yet” I said to him.

“Oh alright” he said and continued “You know my love how much I care for you and love you don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes I know” I said and felt disgusting.

“You also know I cannot live without you” he said.

“Yes so?” I asked.

“So Sharon My love we will be getting married as soon as we move and that’s probably two weeks from now” he said happily and very excitedly.

Me on the other hand was scared to death it was too much for me to take in and was feeling very very bad and dreadful, why is this all happening to me he is ruining my life and everything which matters to me and I am not able to do anything about it.

“What!!!” I said.

“What are you not happy?” he asked.

“Off course I am not happy” I said angrily.

“Why?” he asked.

“I don’t want to get married to you; I never want to be with you” I said while holding back tears.

He looked disappointed and hurt but I don’t care after what all he has done to me and my family I hate him.

“Sharon whether you want or not either way we are getting married and no one can stop that from happening not even you do you understand that” he said furiously.

“No Ashton please don’t do this find someone who loves you and get married to her I don’t love you” I said.

“I know you love me you just don’t want to accept it I can feel you love me my love” he said calmly.

“No Ash-----“I was about to say something but Ashton interrupted my sentence.

“Listen to me my love you are stressed and probably not well just relax ok I have good news for you” he said.

I didn't say anything he waited for me to ask what it is but I didn't ask him about the “good news” all the good part was only for him and never for me.

“So the good news is we are going to meet your parents today” he said.

That was shocking for me hear he never before took me to meet my parents and suddenly today he decide to take me to meet my parents why?

“Why?” I asked.

“Because we are moving and you probably will not be able to meet them again so I thought it would be nice to take you there” he said.

“You are evil Ashton I hate you” I said and ran towards the mansion and then to my room.

I was now in the room I sat on the floor and started crying ‘When will this end’ I thought.

Hey guys I am done with 26 chapter.

Hope you will enjoy this and really sorry for the delay.

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