1 - Somewhere over the Rainbow

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Yang kicked aside some snow and sat down, her golden hair blowing in the wind. She smiled sadly and reached down to brush snow off the headstone, revealing the dark ruby emblem and the words 'Summer Rose. Thus Kindly I Scatter.'

"Hey mum," Yang said, placing a bouquet of white roses in front of the stone before leaning back. "Sorry I haven't been to visit in a while. I've been busy with school and such. No that's a lie," the blonde brawler chuckled, a tear escaping her lids, "it's just, still so hard to come and visit you, and-"

Yang looks over to her right, more tears starting to spill as she looks at the second headstone, this one fresher while the emblem, the same as Summer, and the words still stand out against the snow.

'Ruby Rose. Red Like Roses Fills My Dreams.'

"I still can't, I can't accept that she's gone. She was my baby sister, my little-" Yang cut herself of, trying her hardest not to give in to the pain in her chest and sob. "I should have been there, I should have protected her! We had one fight, we never fight! and it got her killed! Because I was an idiot. A stubborn, prideful, hot-headed idiot!"

Yang slammed her fist into the ground, a burst of fire exploding from the point of impact as her hair flashed a bright blinding gold. Clouds of steam hissed around her as the ice was evaporated instantly under her fists. Slowly these clouds grew quiet and disappeared, leaving just the blonde girl. Her whole body shook as she sobbed, hot tears falling from her face.

"I failed her! I failed you! I failed dad! I failed everyone!"

The wind suddenly picked up, wiping away Yang's tears like a caring hand. The young girls eyes shot open in shock, and for a second there she saw a woman standing over her, cloaked in a great white hood and cloak with a warm, sad smile on her face. Yang blinked at the woman was gone again, but the air above the gravestone was full of rose petals, white and red dancing together as the wind shifted again, carrying them over the cliff.

A warmth started to spread in Yang's chest, a smile mirroring the one the woman had touching her lips as she wiped her eyes and stood up. Looking up to the rose petals Yang whispered "thanks mum. Take care of her for me," before with one last glance to Ruby's headstone turned and walked back the way she came, tromping through the snow to the Bullhead parked just over the rise.  

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