8 - Dreams Really Do Come True

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Letting out a relaxed sigh Ace leaned against a bare part of the infirmary wall, across from the medical dorm room he was guarding. Blowing a lock of blue-grey hair out of his burnt orange eyes he looked around the room once, his large kangaroo ears swivelling atop his head to face the directions he wasn't looking at. The room was a large long room, filled with cabinets, drawers, a few desks and benches, everyone coloured white. Set at about every three meters in the opposite wall were doors leading to the individual medical dorms, all of them closed except the one he stood opposite from, a medical form sitting upon the face reading 'SCHNEE, WEISS. TEAM RWBY' in big bold letters.

The room was peaceful, and except for Ace's team and the giant Yatsuhashi of team CFVY it was empty.

With another relaxed sigh the Faunus turned his attention back to open infirmary room door, chuckling to himself as his eyes settled in the brunette rabbit faunus Velvet through the open door. She sat in a chair next to the bed, her head resting on her arms asleep, having spent all her energy and aura on trying to heal the white haired girl asleep in the bed Velvet was using as a pillow. Her team had told her not to push herself, but Ace and his team watched as she did all she could to help the Schnee heiress.

Laughing through his nose the leader of team ALTN switched his gaze to the two students stationed besides the door, one copying Ace and leaning against the wall only with his arms at his sides, staring down the infirmary before looking the other direction, every now his forked tongue flickering from his lips and back. The other student was on one of the benches with a commandeered desk in front of him, tinkering with what looked like the stock and firing mechanism of a flintlock blunderbuss with the barrel replaced with a thick wooden frame with the front bar removed and slung underneath the weapon.

"Must you find it necessary to take apart your weapon Theo, just to grow dissatisfied with whatever improvements you are trying to make and put it back together?" the standing boy asked, glancing at his partner. Theo looked up from his weapon with a large prideful smile as he did up the last screw on one of the arms.

"Well besides it being already perfect Lavi, I want to try make it bigger, better. I was thinking of adding a dual firing mechanism so I could shoot two blades at once. Isn't that-"

"No," Lavi said, cutting him off with a flickering of his tongue. The smile on Theo's face fell into a frown cross scowl as if Lavi had just insulted the boy himself.

Ace let out a annoyed sigh cross chuckle as he watched his teammates fight, again.

Lavi didn't make any movement besides turning his head to ignore Theo and scan the room. Tall and lean he stood at the highest of the team, with short and curly dark green hair, dark chocolate skin and a narrow almost viper like face; his eyes were bright yellow and slitted like a snakes, and as they washed over Ace he felt a shiver run down his spine, despite being on the same team as him for half a year now.

Theo on the other hand stood up and started shouting dramatically and over-the-top. He was shorter, though a just a bit stocky, than Lavi, with longer white hair, tanned fair skin and a more hawkish like face and golden eyes.

Lavi said something Ace tuned out and Theo blanched, his feathers ruffling. Growing from under the back of his hair and from around his neck, back and forearms were large eagle feathers, coloured white around his head and brown from his body. With a fluster the faunus's large brown eagle-wings unfurled, making Theo look larger and more menacing, a bluff that had no effect on the snake faunus as he turned his serpentine golden eyes from the room to his partner.

"Are they always like this," the giant Yatsuhashi asked as he slid in next to Ace, towering over the kangaroo faunus and crossing his arms, watching the two arguing. Ace chuckled and nodded. "All the time. Though I suppose that's what happens when a snake and an eagle end up partners."

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