21 - I See Them Bloom

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Ozpin let out a sigh as he turned the parchment off and put his head in his hands. It was done, Ruby had broken, she had confessed and accepted what had happened and what she had done was wrong. Now she could heal, move on. It would be difficult, murder was never easy to get over, the feelings and guilt lingering for years, even lifetimes.

But Ruby was surrounded by a people who would help her, and Ozpin would make sure she was taken care of, regardless of anything that happened in this office.

The headmaster of Beacon lifted his head and sighed, the sun just past noon warming him in its light as the chiming of the great clock in the ceiling helped calm his nerves. Ruby may have taken the first step, but this ordeal wasn't over yet.

On cue the elevator pinged and the doors opened. The group of four that stepped out marched out grim-faced and straight back, three looking more uncomfortable than anything. The fourth, despite holding himself up with a warrior's stand, had the eyes of a man who had lost his world.

Ozpin stood and bowed his head to the fourth man. "Epimetheus. Again I offer my deepest condolences and my most sincere apology."

The greying redhead looked up when he was spoken to and offered a weak smile. "Thank Ozpin. I know this is as hard for you as it is for me. Two students dead, three months after losing another."

Ozpin kept his face neutral, but his heart skipped a beat. "That is why I've called you here today."

Epimetheus gave the Beacon headmaster a quizzical look and turned to the other three people in the room. Ironwood, Glynda and Qrow met his eye, the headmaster of Atlas and headmistress of Beacon with remorseful expressions; the fourth person was someone Epimetheus didn't know, a man with greying black hair and stubble with a cynical stare and frown, and who smelt like a bar.

"What is this about? Epimetheus asked, turning back to Ozpin. The silver haired man bowed his head, hiding his eyes, and sighed.

"Ruby Rose, the girl who was reported dead three months ago was found alive and well a week ago."

"That's," Epimetheus started, his stance softening as a kind smile graced his lips. "That's good news Ozpin."

Ozpin said nothing, his head still bowed and Epimetheus's smile fell as he looked to Glynda and Ironwood. The pair bowed their heads as well, just for a second before meeting the aged warrior's eyes.

"Ruby Rose was under the belief that the group of students with her at the time of her death had attempted to murder her, so returned to exact revenge." Glynda said slowly. Epimetheus stopped. His breathing caught, his heart stalled, his body froze as a sickening pit formed in his stomach. Slowly he turned on Ozpin, his face hardening as his heart broke.

"Where is this girl?" He asked, his voice calm and emotionless. Ozpin lifted his head, giving his old friend a poker face.

"In our holding cells, recovering from surgery and injuries sustained and improperly tended to three months ago."

Epimetheus's calm visage cracked. He leant down, putting his hands on Ozpin's desk.

"This girl killed my daughter?" He spat. "And you're tending to her injuries? SHE KILLED MY DAUGHTER!"

"Miss Rose by her own admission was lied to and manipulated into these actions by a third party that holds apparent hostility to these academies and the Huntsman and Huntresses, Atlas in particular." Ozpin replied calmly, earning question looks from Ironwood and Glynda as to how he knew this, it hadn't been mentioned before by Ruby. Epimetheus however continued to glare at the headmaster of Beacon.

"I care not for her reasons Ozpin! She took the life of two students! She took my daughters future away! I want her to answer for this!

"It's not that simple."

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