3 - And the Dreams That You Dream Of

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The sterile calm of the infirmary waiting room was broken by the STOMP STOMP STOMP of Yang pacing the room, one arm in a sling while the other was covered in damp bandages. The blonde brawlers face was starting to show cracks now, worry, fear, anger, and shock starting to show. Her eyes flashed with a 'will break the first person I see five different ways' fire one second only to switch to 'about to break down and cry my soul out' darkness the next.

Blake shared her partner's warring emotions; not to the same extent, but they were present in her face and her eyes boring a hole in the tiled floor. The black-haired huntresses, now with her cat ears hidden again by a bow, was sitting in a chair with her legs tucked up to her chest and her arms around her knees. Unlike Yang Blake only had a healing-dust bandage on her shoulder, the cloth glowing a pale pale green.

Amber eyes briefly looked up from the floor, fixing on the white door marked INFIRMARY in big bold red; a flashing sign next to the door read 'SURGERY IN PROGRESS'.

With each flash of the letters Blake felt the fear and anxiety build itself higher and higher. Tearing her eyes away they settled on a plain black-covered sketchbook on the chair next to her.

Sun had brought it up to her after she messaged him what had happened. Within 15 minutes of sending the message the golden-haired monkey Faunus burst into the room, luckily with the sketchbook, and gone straight for Blake, his mouth running 100 times faster than normal and just repeating 'are you ok? What happened?' It took the cat-Faunus several minutes to calm him down enough to ask him to leave, saying that she just wanted to be alone with Yang while they wait. Sun at first tried to protest, but after a half-hearted joke from Yang asking him to help her vent and be her punching bag, and some reassuring words from Blake, Sun simply nodded, mumbling something about if it was his teammate and left with a backwards 'She'll pull through, she's Weiss. If you need me, if you need us, any of us, you know where to look.'

Blake let out a deep breath, and opened the book. Autonomously she flipped through the pages, not stopping or really looking at the sketches and drawings, just enough to know which ones weren't the one she was looking for; she stopped briefly on a sketch of a tall man from behind, looking back over his shoulder. Blake closed her eyes and flipped the page, opening them again and feeling all the pain and shock flood back through her.

The sketches cruel emotionless slit-eyes stared up at her from the blank faceless mask. The shadow lay on the page made of ink and shades, exactly as it had stood before piercing Weiss with Crescent Rose. Blake had drawn the sketch for Ozpin and professor Goodwitch when they came to question the girls, and as soon as she had finished the last line Blake had snapped the book shut and threw it on the chair, unable to contain the myriad of powerful emotions and fears warring to tear her head and heart apart.

The hissing of the infirmary door sliding open made Blake jump, snapping the sketchbook closed again as Ozpin and Goodwitch stepped into the room. The black-haired huntresses-in-training glanced from the silver haired headmaster to the sign by the door, and felt her heart plummet as she saw that it no longer was flashing.

"Weiss!" Yang all but shouted, stepping in front of Ozpin; Blake slid to her side, staring at the headmaster, hoping yet fearful. "Is she ok? Please tell me she is ok?"

"Miss Schnee is very fortuitous that the medical team arrived when it did," Ozpin said in a calm, flat tone he always used, his ultimate poker face giving nothing away. "They say that thanks to you keeping pressure on the wound miss Xiao Long that she managed to last so long with such a grievous wound."

"But is she ok! Will she be alright?"

"Yes, miss Schnee will survive. She is a medically-induced coma at the moment while doctors and nurses apply the last of the dressings and dust to her. She should be awake within a day or two."

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