5 - Somewhere over the Rainbow

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Walt pushed the door open, the moonlight doing little to light the darkness inside. Looking around, regardless of the darkness blanketing the room the wheat-haired boy smiled and stepped through the door, dragging Jaune with him. Jaune wasn't stopping the other boy from dragging him around, but he still had an uneasy feeling about what he was up to.

"Why are we here?" The blonde knight asked, gesturing around at the darkness. Walt didn't answer, instead letting go of Jaune's arm and flicking the switch besides the door. With shuddering clicks the lights came to life, illuminating rows of tiered benches overlooking a sunken stage flanked by two large screens and several garage-like doors. Jaune looked around the amphitheater while Walt strolled down to the bottom of the bleachers, and jumped over the railing.

"We're here to blow off some steam," the wheat-haired boy yelled back to Jaune who had stepped down to the first row of seats and looked over the railing. Walt was walking towards the center of the pit, pulling his Weapon, a large wheat and dark green quarterstaff crossed with a bolt action rifle, from his back and giving it a few practice swings before dropping it and turning back to look up at Jaune, a cocky grin on his face. "Vent a little, get rid of some of the anger I know is eating away at you."

Jaune glared at the other boy, some of that anger rising. Shaking his head the blonde knight turned to walk off. With two loud CRACKS bullets hit the steps just in front of Jaune, making him jump back, hitting the railing.

"It's not healthy to bottle up your anger, especially for us."

Jaune turned back to the wheat-haired boy, a scowl marring his normally serene face as anger flashed in his blue eyes. Walt lowered his weapon, his face now gone serious as he stared up at Jaune. "Huntsman and huntresses should keep a calm and level head at all times, lest they grow reckless and risk getting themselves hurt, or killed."

"And what about Yang!" Jaune shouted back. "I've seen her get angry dozens of times."

"From what I've heard, Goldilocks is a tough nut," Walt said, sliding the bolt back on his weapon, ejecting the spent cartridge. "But she'll pay for it one day. I've seen what anger can do to a person, trust me on that one. Now get down here pretty boy!"


A bullet slammed into Jaune's shoulder, knocking him to the ground as he yelled in pain and shock. The blonde knight swore and put a hand to the injury, his curses turning to groans of pain as he stood back up. Removing his hand Jaune glanced at the injury, luckily feeling like nothing more than a bruise thanks to his aura, and turned his wrathful glare down on the boy who shot him. Walt still had his weapon up, trained on Jaune.

"Coming down yet?"

"Are you insa-"

Another bullet hit Jaune. This time impacting against his chest plate and bouncing off, not however without leaving a bruise and pushing the blonde back so his feet hit the first step. Jaune's eyes flashed with an anger and wrath you would find on Yang as he grabbed the handrail and leaped over the metal bar, landing hard on the ground and charging the wheat-haired boy.

Walt sidestepped Jaune as he tried to tackle him, spinning his weapon around and smacking the blonde on the back, knocking him off balance. Jaune fell to the ground groaning and swearing. Tearing at the tiled floor the blonde knight got to his feet and charged at Walt again, this time swinging a right hook. Walt sidestepped again, this time swinging his weapon low and taking out Jaune's feet, before spinning the quarterstaff/rifle around and bringing it down hard on Jaune's unarmoured stomach, knocking the wind from the boy.

"This is exactly what I meant," Walt said as he backed up swinging his weapon around so it rested on his shoulder. "You're so freaking pissed at the moment you just throw logic and reasoning out the window and try the blunt bullheaded charge."

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