Preview - Team SEWN

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Salmon with a mind of curious wonder ever on her endless quest

Eminence a painful past ever yearning for the final rest

Wheat courts chaos in search of peace

Navy, heart standing cold

"Shit this place is huge."

"Look at that tower."

"I hope I don't get lost."

"Bro, bro look. That girl has a Mistralian katana. And he's got a hammer and sickle combo"

Walt couldn't help laughing at the young man's reaction as the crowd of people walked towards the school. He was near the back of the crowd with Crowsbane over his shoulder and again checking out the crop of students now that they weren't crowded into the airship. His mentors, all Beacon graduates, didn't tell him what to expect or what would happen when Walt got to the academy, only that he had to make lots of friends and connections.

"More people to pick fights with then," the wheat-haired boy grinned.

"You couldn't have come to a better place then," a young man said walking up beside Walt and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Best damn combat school in the world, and no shortage of people wanting to test their mettle. Though try not bite off more than you can chew."

"Ace, don't pick a fight with the new student" said a young girl as she stepped up to Walt's other side and pried the young man's hand off Walt. The wheat-haired boy took a step forward and turned to face the pair, offering the boy a challenging grin. They both stood several feet taller than Walt, the boy just taller than the girl. He was tanned, broad-shouldered with long blue-grey hair curling around his face and neck; a streak of burnt orange ran through his hair from the eye, which were the same burnt orange while the tips were coloured the same. He wore a thick jacket the same colour as his hair streaked with burnt orange over a copper shirt grey leather pants and thick black combat boots. Around his neck he wore a burnt orange bandana and a pair of welder's goggles; from his hips hung two holsters with thick curved weapons Walt couldn't identify.

The girl was lighter in skin but had the same curly blue-grey hair minus the burnt orange streak and tips. Her eyes were a soft pastel grey with a hint of edge to them and she had several faint scars criss crossing the one side of her face and her neck.

She wore a dark blue shirt under a red vest with white streaks and a large seven pointed star embroidered on the back; a pair of blue jeans flecked with rust, a pair of the same thick black combat boots and a pair of pastel grey gloves circled by golden bands completed her outfit.

The pair's most interesting feature were a pair of large animal ears, the same colour as their hair, sticking up from the tops of their heads; what the animal was Walt couldn't identify.

The young man rolled his eyes and punched the girl, no doubt his twin, lightly on the arm. "I wasn't gonna fight him. Yet."

I could end it there, but I thought i'd leave a couple of previews of the next story and of a spinoff-esq story for my OC's. because all characters deserve a story.

This is the preview for the first chapter of my OC story, found here on and AO3. Sadly the second chapter is being difficult, but it'll get there.

Please have a look, I know it won't be as popular as any story with Ruby and the gang, but rather than bog down those story with canon characters with the stories, adventures and backgrounds of my OC's I figured give them their own stories.

Again, thank you for reading.

Be seeing you.

Lord Tomyh  

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