9 - Someday I'll Wish upon a Star

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"She just woke up from a coma, and the first thing you do is crash-tackle and bear-hug her?"

"I'm glad she's awake."

"You cracked her rib."

"I was really glad she was awake."

Weiss let out an annoyed growl and started massaging her temples; listening to her teammates argue over her was giving her a migraine to add to the throbbing pain in her side every time she breathed. The heiress glared at the blonde and ravenette standing at the end of her bed, and smiled; they were driving her insane, but she was touched that they were concerned and ecstatic for her; that smile turned to a frown as the two continued to argue, or pun in response.

Another sigh of annoyance drew Weiss's attention over to the two students sitting against the wall, a tall brooding young man and a shorter energetic young girl who had introduced themselves as Nikolas and Erika of team SEWN, two of Yang and Blake's bodyguards; the rest of team SEWN, Erika had explained, were out in the infirmary with team CFVY and Natsumi Mahogani, the last standing member of Weiss's second bodyguard team, ALTN. That they had people watching over them after she was almost killed came as no surprise to Weiss. What did surprise her was that three teams had been assigned to her and her teammates separately, and the fact that all of them were students.

Weiss had quickly turned a scrutinizing eye of the pair, finding it hard to believe by their appearance and the way they interacted with the three girls of RWBY and with each other that they could protect anyone, let alone Weiss's teammates and arguably the best first-year team in the school.

Nikolas, the heiress concluded, was completely open with no signs of armour or protection of any kind, his clothes being the standard sort anyone could buy so we're too thin to offer any sort of defense, his weapon nowhere in sight on his body, and he didn't have the appearance of a dust-user, and his attitude alluded to someone who did not get along well with others, making Weiss question how he could work well on a team with someone like Erika as the heiress's icy blue eyes moved from the brooding ravenette to the dark-skinned girl cleaning her weapons besides him.

Erika was the almost the exact opposite of Nikolas personality wise: she was calm now, cleaning her weapon, but when she had come in and introduced herself Weiss could have sworn the purple-haired girl could have been related to Nora or Ruby: talking a mile a minute, with wild body expressions, sweeping gestures of her arms and annoyingly the ability to jump from one topic to the next random thought completely without warning or any link between them. Her appearance were more huntress approximate with thicker more armoured clothes, but they seemed big and baggy on her, hiding her frame. Weiss's attention moved from the girl to the weapon she was holding, a combination that was almost as tall as she was of a harpoon, a box sword hilt, and an assault rifle stuck upside down to the top. The entire weapon looked too large and unbalanced with all the height in the middle and back end to be quick and nimble, with the hook on the blade and the gun on top looked like they could get caught too easily on things.

"You done?" A deep Atlesian-accented voice asked, snapping Weiss's attention to Nikolas. The boy had his cold piercing dark blue eyes locked on her, sending a shiver, and a wave of pain, through the usual composed and unfazeable heiress. Weiss looked away from the pair, Erika having looked up from her weapon, and took a deep breath.

"I was just questioning why two unknown team of students are protecting us, that's all," Weiss replied, turning back to lock eyes with the brooding Atlesian and raising her head ever so slightly so to stare down her nose at him. Nik remained stone face, only blinking in response. Erika put her weapon away in its sheath leaning against the wall next to her and turned to the heiress.

"There weren't any graduated teams available," she explained, pulling an apple from her pocket and biting into it between words. "And Ozpin couldn't spare the teachers who had to teach of course and investigate into the attack on you."

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