The Red Trees

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From birth, I have been very curious. There has always been a forest near my house filled with red trees. They never changed, when it was close to winter they shed a few leaves; however they would grow back almost a second after they lost them. It's almost as if winter never touched that place. The red trees where so fascinating to me. By the time I had turned eighteen, my curiosity had grown so much that I decided to go into the red forest. I walked to the border of our land and the overwhelming red. Entering into the scarlet  thicket was beautiful; the sky was clear water blue and the ground was blood red. I walked for a while, venturing into the ruby forest. Since I had come to explore early I had so long to experience the forests beauty. Soon I came across this beautiful tree, it was big and bright red. At the base of the tree there was a black flower, it was not wilted. Instead, it was brand new. The black flower looked so amazing, I had never seen a thing like this. I wanted to pick it, but to destroy it's beauty would be a travesty. I bent down to smell the plant and a purple spore like dust emerged and hit my face. Then everything went dark. I saw a flash; there was a house and a faceless man extended his hand to me. I woke up. The sky was black, my head was pounding and everything was hazy. As I stood up slowly I couldn't figure out what way I had come from, or the direction of where my house was. Everything was too hazy to see so I wandered in a random direction. My head and vision where spinning as I walked along the ground. I walked for a bit and felt as if I was being watched. I stumbled and cut my arm on a nearby tree branch. I heard someone breathe behind me and before I could turn around thorn vines wrapped around my ankles. They where so strong that they pierced through my boots, it was a sharp pain, and every time I moved they went deeper and drew more blood. Then a man appeared before me, he looked at me with hungry eyes, he was like a dark cloud of pure evil and hunger.

"Sir, please, can you help me? These thorns are stuck in me, and I am to weak to pull them out," I said this as my voice was shaking.

"But miss why would I help you if I trapped you in the thorns in the first place." He sounded happy.

"Well would you then kindly let me go sir this is painful." I replied swiftly.

Suddenly more thorns wrapped around my wrists and then suspended me in the air I could not touch the ground. I looked at his eyes they were now glowing red like the blood dripping from my skin.

"You smell so tasty." he said licking his lips.

I tried moving but the thorns buried deeper inside my skin I grunted in pain. He appeared behind me I could feel his breath on my neck, It made me cringe.

"Please don't hurt me!" I begged.

"Oh but your blood is all over you, and you smell so delicious," he replied snickering.

He licked the spot on my arm I had cut on a branch, his face filled with pleasure and lust for my blood. He moved my hair so he see my bare neck.

"don't make a sound and I won't drink all your blood." he said

He licked my neck and then I felt a sharp sting I could not help but to scream out because of the pain. Everything was starting to become dark and my eyes felt droopy. He suddenly stopped drinking my blood and I looked over my shoulder and saw a man pull out his heart and the monster turned to dust. The thorns disappeared, I tried to fall steady on my feet but I fell on my knees. I looked at the man and then fell backward and it was dark again. I woke up and felt warm, I saw the man stareing at me with soft eyes. I looked around the place I was on a couch in a  small  room full of books.

"Oh your awake, how are you feeling?" the man said with concern

"Thank you for helping me and I am ok I think, I just feel very week." I replied

He bites his arm and says "Here drink my blood you will feel better."

I moved back as he put his arm towards me, I trusted him because his eyes and touch were soft, But he was still one of those monster. I was scared to drink but he seemed good so I decided to drink his blood; immediately after I felt better than I ever had. I looked at his arm and his bite was gone. His eyes where a beautiful blue I stared into them, they were so soft.

"So I want to think you properly, what is your name kind sir?" I said looking into his royal eyes.

"My name, well no one has asked that for a while, but my name is Thaddeus Kensworth, Its a please to meat you. and what would your name be m'lady?" He said softly.

"My name well it is Cora, I don't remember my last name, however thank you so much for saving me Thaddeus." I replied excitedly.

"Ms Cora, I have to ask, why where you out in the scarlet forest at night don't you know it's dangerous." Said Thaddeus touching my shoulder.

"Well Thaddeus sir, I went into the forest early in the morning, I found a black flower, and it's dust got in my face. I passed out and when I awoke it was dark, and my head was pounding and everything was hazy, so I could not really find my way around, and then that creature attacked me and you saved me. Thank you again Thaddeus!" I said with a smile.

"Well miss the flower you are speaking of is a vision flower it shows you the future. However it should not have made you feel like that." He said taking his hand off my shoulder.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I replied looking at the floor.

"Cora there could not be anything wrong with suck a beautiful woman. However to help you I will look into the matter." He said with grace.

" Thank you but I have to ask why didn't you just hurt me too are you not the same as that monster?" I said trying to not be rude.

" Well I am not exactly the same as that disgrace, we are both vampires, we are undead creatures who feed on blood to live. But he was simply a vampire, I am one of the first vampires which means I can walk in the sun unlike that man. I can also control my hunger, and he cannot. Oh one other thing that sets us apart is I am stronger and I have powers." He said smirking.

" So the books I read in my house, the ones my mother left me about vampires is true. Then the reason I am not a vampire is because he did not give me his blood and then drink all my blood." I replied.

"Your mothers book would be correct. so may I ask are you alone Cora?" He said with his soft eyes.

"Well I am old enough to live alone and both of my parent's have pasted. However for some reason I cannot remember my mother. Also I cannot remember how my father died two years ago." I said with sadness I'm my voice.

"Do not be sad, Cora I have places where I can find out who your mother was and how your father died would you like that?" He replied.

"Oh my, it would make me ever so happy to know that, I do not remember much about my past it would make things better." I said with a big smile

"Then Cora I will help you, come to my house anytime or use this pendant to call me. Do not come to see me at night it's not safe. Also if you ever need help call me on that pendant. It is almost morning the sun is coming up, I would hate to leave you but now I have to help you figure this out." He said with a grin

"Thank you Thaddeus, but why would you help me." I replied

"Because who would not help such a beautiful woman, I think I will enjoy your company."

I hug him, and thank him again he hands me the pendant. Its stone was like a dark onyx with a crimson metal that holds its stone. I hold the pendent tight and I go out the door; I look back at his house and it is the one from my vision. Does that mean he was the faceless man?

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