One Day

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"What is it?" I was not sure if I wanted to know what he was about to say. I love him and would always accept him. But I did not expect him to say this.

"Cora, I.... I don't know how to say this. " Thaddeus grabs my hand. "I...I love you."he blushes and before I can reply he kisses my cheek and says. "I have loved you for a long time in your past this was no secret to you. From the moment we met I have loved you. I want to tell you about your past but please, I want one day to love you and for you to enjoy yourself before you learn the truth. " he said holding my hand again.

I look into his beautiful blue eyes, he seems so sincere. "Thaddeus I... I don't know what to say, I.. I love you too, let us have one day. Come closer," He leans in and I kiss his cheek, we both blush. " I need to get dressed and then we can go out and have our day. "

"Ok I'll wait outside we need to stop at my house first to get some things." he smiled at me and walked out of the room. I put on my clothes then I brushed out my onyx hair. I picked up my bag, and continued outside to meet Thaddeus. He extends his hand to me, and I grasp it tight like I would never let go.

"So where are you taking me today?" I asked excitedly.

"it's a surprise so you will have to wait and see ok." then Thaddeus smiles at me again. We arrive at his house and he comes out with a bag and a basket. I smelled the sweetest of smells the aroma was dancing in the air. It was the smell of sweet cakes my most favorite food. We began to walk into the deep red of the forest.

"I am going to show you three beautiful places." Thaddeus said

"ok I'm excited to see them," I look at Thaddeus, he is so happy. His beautiful eyes are so sweet and soft when he looks at me. We walk for a short time and arrive at a big tree, it has TK and CB carved into it. I feel like I have seen this tree before, and my head starts to hurt a bit.

"this place Cora is, one of my favorite places to be I have fond memories of this spot. Enough of that anyway you will know more about this place later." he looks at me wiping a tear away. He hugs me, and I hold on to him and feel his soft touch.

"Thaddeus do you have a knife?" I ask him.

"Yes I do but what do you want with it?" he asks worriedly.

"Something I need to do its not bad it... I just feel like I want it to happen now. " I reply and then he hands me his knife, I walk to the tree and crave a heart around the initials. I hand him the knife back and he looks at me, and kisses my cheek.

"even when you don't remember your past you are still you I'm every way." he grabs my hand gently and says; " on to the next place." We begin to walk and soon reach a field covered in all kinds of flowers there is a spot in the middle where the flowers are not growing. It's beautiful and the overwhelming colors makes it all the better. I can smell all the flowers scents, and as we walk through them to the middle I feel there soft petals on my legs. We reach the middle and he lays a blanket on the ground he then sits down and I do too.

"I got you a big sweet cake, because I know that they are your favorite thing to eat." he opens the basket and hands me a slice I eat it and then he closes the basket. It's almost sunset, and he put his hand down and I put mine down on his. He looks at me, I stare back and he hugs me and I snuggle up to him. We watch the sun leave the sky and I feel so happy and safe. He looks at me and then says
"Hey there is on more place and it's really close to here, let's go see it." he stands up and helps me up and then folds the blanket up and puts it in his bag. He lights a lantern and we walk to a cliff with a waterfall on it. It's so beautiful, he holds both of my hands and then kisses me on the lips. It feels like I'm waking on air, like we are the only people in the world.

"I love you Cora, and I will always protect you. " he says hugging me.

"I know, and I love you too. " I say hugging him back. Then I push him away a bit because I began to get dizzy and my head was hurting and I could see flashes of people.

"Cora are you ok, Cora? CORA! " then everything goes black and all I see is red. I awake in Thaddeus bed and see him looking at me.

"Cora your mind is forcing your memories back, if I don't tell you it might hurt you worse, but if I tell you then there is a chance it will hurt more. There is one other thing I could do but.... I am not doing that. " Thaddeus sayed.

"Thaddeus I'm ok this was the first time that happend don't freak out, everything is going to be ok." I say holding his hand.

" I know but I was told this would...... Cora your eyes are.... Glowing purple this should....... That means that he.... He is coming for you."

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