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What did he mean, that strange man felt familiar, but I have never met him. Thaddeus has been there for me so why do I believe this stranger at all. I decided that it was best not to ask him today I felt as if I needed to sort through my emotions. I headed to the records hall to meet up with Thaddeus, he was sitting and reading books, I stared at him for a few moments. Could he really be hiding something from me?

"Hello Cora, are you hurt?" He said not even looking up from his book.

"Huh..what do you...." I replied

"I smell your blood, and I see the bite marks on you." He said razing his tone slightly.

"Wha what are you hiding from me?" I said nervously.

"I am not hiding anything where did that come from?" He said looking away from me.

"A man that I didn't know told me you where hiding something, I... I don't know why I believe him I just I'm sorry." I said shedding a crystal rain drop.

"Listen I know about your past however, I am not ready to tell you and you are not ready to know about it, don't cry I'm sorry I...I will be there for you till your ready." He said hugging me softly. I felt better in his arms I felt safe, I hugged him tight. After a few minutes I let go, he looked at me and kissed my head, then smiled. I looked at him for a moment and then out of no where everything turned to black. I awoke to a dark room, my hands where bound to a chair, as where my legs. I could not move, I sat there and heard someone talking.

"So the artifact worked, on this girl too what should I do.... hmm I got it." A man said with a deep voice. He came closer to me and touched my neck, I then realized that he had tied a cloth over my eyes. He pushed my hair off of my neck and took off the blind fold. He was in dark clothing his hair was black, and his eyes where deep red. He came closer and touched my face, then he moved his hand down to my neck, he tilted my head, he was to strong I could not move. He licked my neck and his eyes became hungry. He plunged his ivory fangs into my pale neck and crimson began to flow from my neck. He stoped and looked at me his eyes where wide, he looked at me intensely.

"You...YOU are her, she is supposed to be DEAD....." the man said angrily. He then looked at my neck and red continued to flow.

"HA HA, oh I see now, your mine I'll turn you, ha ha ha this is perfect." He then bit his wrist and put his blood in my mouth. He then began to take my scarlet blood and all of the sudden I felt sick. I then began to vomit blood and cough it up as well. Blood was all over the man, he was puzzled and angry.

"What... WHAT, why can't I turn you?" He said. He walked over to Thaddeus,  who was chained up, his head was down. He walked over to him and smacked him.

"So your her protector, well this is bad for me HOW do you turn her."

"You don't." Thaddeus said yanking at his chains.

"Her body should not be able to reject my blood it's pure. So why did it protector?" The man replied.

"I won't tell you how to turn her do what you want to me, I'll never tell you a thing." Thaddues said

"Well I guess I'll have to improvise here." The man walks to a table and picks up a sword. He then began to walk toward me.

"Your bluffing you would not Stab her you need her." Thaddeus growled at the man.

"Oh really." The man replied and then plunged a sword into my chest, it must have pierced one of my lungs because I began to cough blood more violently. Every thing started to get dark and I then see Thaddeus running over to me. He pulls the sword out of my chest and bits his wrist and feeds me his blood. My wounds begin to heal and he untied me and picked me up. I awoke in my bed, Thaddeus was looking at me. I slowly got up and hugged him I whispered in his ear,

"I......I trust you Thaddeus."

"Cora there is something that I need to tell you." Thaddeus says back.

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