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I wake up to tight burning ropes around my wrists. Every inch I moved the ropes got tighter. I look down to see my small frame drenched in blood. Was this my blood or someone elses? I feel my neck burn. It had to be my blood who ever took me must have bit me. My purple eyes seem to pierce the darkness I am it. I feel my head throb as a buzzing in my skull begins. I shudder feeling as if I wasn't alone. I look up at the darkness infront of me. I was to weak to escape on my own. But my fighting spirt makes me wiggle in the chair I am bound to. Then I see it, along with the bellowing of heartless laughter. I-I see those eyes. The damned ones that have been haunting me. In my dreams, and even more so since my purple eyes grew more enetence.

"It seems that wretch of a mother of yours put a spell on you. See she wanted to force your memories back. But only If I ever discovered your exsistence. I thought you were dead dear. Didn't know your dearest mommy turned you human. What a pitty, this makes you way more fun to play with. But it does make it impossible to absorb your power."

He pulls my head up his fingers on my chin. His grip was strong and powerful but not damaging. Though I still couldn't move an inch. My throat burned like someone had set fire to it. It cast my glowy purple gaze to his menacing hungry red gaze. We lock our eyes him almost pulling the red out of my purple. But  it only felt this way because of the fear welled inside my bones. Along with the pounding and buzzing in my skull increasing as im neer this beast. Almost as if it was an alarm warning me of the danger I am in.

"Hmmm, what to do what to do? See my underling Rogue took you and your protecter captive. This is how I figured out many things. One that you were still breathing. Two that your protecter is the ket to turning you. I also know he feels you in danger and is searching for you as we speek. But maybe if I make it more direr the bumbling fool will arrive faster."

I don't know if it was courage or just my deep feeling for the one I love. But a fire burned inside of me. Hearing him insult Thaddeus like that makes me angery. I look at the white haired, red eyed monster. Glaring into his soul before the floor under my chair beagins to crack.


I remember now I know who this is. I called him the leech. As a memory fills my head a fog follows it. I see a picture of him my mothers soft voice. She hugs me before her magic surounds me. She mutters to me in a soft voice and blood surounds her being.

"Cora my dearest child. I am doing this to protect you from that monster. He can never drain you of your blood and steal your magic away like a leech. You won't remember this but I love you... my little song bird."

She wraps her arms around me before I am snaped back into my captive situation. I hear the anger in his voice as I feel my cheek sting. He must have slaped me. His deep growls and groans grow as he discovers me not paying attention.

"Damn it girl, are you even listening. What in the hell is wrong with you?! Oh I get it yoy don't believe me. You don't believe that I will hurt you. Because you think I need you."

His laugh sounds almost drenched in insanity. He takes his untamed claws and buries them deep into my thigh. As blood flows from my snowy white skin, I can't help but scream. The pain was great. It wasn't as bad as what followed next. He lifts up my bound wrists. He slowly unwraps the burning ropes. He takes hold of both of my wrists his boney fingers wraping around them. He tightly sqeezes them until a crack fills my ears. I feel my small frail wrist snap in his hands. I neerly pass out seeing my broken bones visble through my skin. I scream out in pain. This pain was so great, it was like nothing I had ever felt. Getting stabbed wasn't as bad as this. I feel my chair fall over with my body. Not able to move an inch as the pain consumes me. Blood drips down along with swelling that starts to arise. Fear begins to grow inside like an even larger monster then the one I was staring at. His expression emtionless, but a smile perched across his lips as he watches me suffer. He picks up my right wrist it burning at his touch. He runs his wicked tounge up and down my arm. Consuming my blood as it drips down my arm. Suddenly I feel myself start to grow weak. Getting weaker and weaker bye the minute. Time felt so slow while I was around this devilish man. My heart starts to beat fast. I think about him, my love, my protector, my vampire. The image of Thaddeus fills my mind and suddenly its like I can see though his eyes. I see a large castle. Thunder cracks and the black sky match the dark stone castle. He is with Leanus, they are fighting what seems like a bunch of vampires. What was this suddenly I hear it, the words I needed to hear to keep going.

"Cora don't worry my love I am coming to save you."

I smile now being back with the monster licking my blood. With no time to think and no way to leave. My wrists broken, and my head throbbing I decide to try and get free. He suddenly stops me. He knew my wrists would snap if he barely even touched them. He had another idea to draw Thaddeus to me. He wraps his hands around my waist. Then he starts to crust my pelvis bones. While doing this he digs his fangs deep into my neck. As he sucks out my crimson blood and the pain swallows me. I scream a blood curdling scream. I couldn't even make out words. The wall leading to the outside is blasted down. I can see now I am in a tower of the castle. But how did I break the wall like that. My vission getting blurry as the smoke clears and his hands release me. I see him I see the man I love. I sigh in relief and let the darkness take me.

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