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I awake to a loud crash. It felt like time had stopped again. Im guessing that was Leanus. My vission blurry I see everything stopped. I look up to who is holding me and can't make out who it is. But this touch I know this touch. This soft strong loving touch was his, it was Thaddeus. My ears ring, my head throbs worse then before. All I could see was blood. Everything looked coated in it. My eyes must have been dreched. I couldn't even reach up to see why. Suddenly I feel his lips against mine. I feel a warm liquid go down my throat. As everything starts to heal I cough up whatever is fed to me. I can't hear anything. I can't even see anything but blood. I feel again his lips against mine, as the liquid goes smother down this time. But whats differnt is the sting I feel right in my neck. I feel my crimson being sucked out. Suddenly I can see, I can hear, I can feel. Thaddeus had his fangs buried deep inside my neck. I feel his tears hit my face. It all comes rusing back at once and I just stare at him. I russle my fingers through his hair and smile. He takes his fangs out as I feel my purple glowing eyes die down. They flicker from red, to silver, to purple. They decide to stop on purple. It was in bits and pieces before but I remember it all clearly now. How I fell in love with my protecter. How we were split appart. Even how dangerous I can be. I understood now. My lover had brought me back to the land of the dead. He couldn't be more sad I could feel his sadness. It radiated off of his body. I wrap my arms around him and smile.

"Shhh now touchy, don't be sad I'm still the Cora Bloodstone you fell for both times."

Touchy was his nickname before I became human. When we first met I was in trouble for hiding weapons. Weapons that were dangerous relics precious to my family. His first job as my gaurd was to pat me down. He was supposed to find the weapon. The way he touched me so carefully and gentlely confused me. I could crush him and he was gentle. So I made a joke about him being all touchy with me. He shruged it off just doing his job. But I could tell it bothered him. From then on I called him touchy, he would shiver like I walked on his grave. That little reaction always amused me. But once we grew closer he started to like it when I called him that. He would follow it with his hands going up and down my sides to tease me back. He shudders before hugging me tightly. This power inside me already felt like to much. All I could see was blood corsing trough people. I smelled its sweet taste. But more then that my craving for this red liquid was massive. I look down at him. The monster with the white hair and red eyes. This was Vance, the monster who has been after me for years. Seeing him frozen like this felt good. I liked seeing that monster as helpless. I like seeing him as weak as I was as a human. Leanus looks at me as he growls a little almost in pain.

"Guys if I hold it any longer I'll break time again."

Again, he ment the time he stoped time for me and Thaddeus. See I told Leanus up front that I had feelings for another. He was my best friend and he cared about what I wanted. He cared even more then his own needs. I hated to take advantage of that but I needed to fill my craving. My craving for the one I love and want to be with. So on a snowy night where the moon shined making the snow like tiny crystals. On that night he stoped time for us. So we could have our first real date. With out interference so we could have our moment of bliss. I will tell you that moment was bliss. Just holding him and gazing into his beautiful blue eyes. We were very grateful, very happy. But we didn't know much about Leanus, and his time powers. While Leanus can stop time if he over uses it or does it for to long chaos insues. I nod telling him to start time again. Vance was ready for this as before I or anyone has the chance to do anything, he strikes. I feel a hand, a sick devilish hand in my chest. As my blood flows out rapidly I feel his pure anger and hatred. It was as if those emotions of his would swallow me. All I could see was red. Red anger, and red blood, but also red hot love. The love I felt from both Thaddeus, and Leanus. There love for me was differnt but I still felt it. I think that love is what powered me. Its what inspired me to be strong and fight. I grab his boney wrist as I pull it out and crush it. I wasn't trying to break him, but I didn't have control. I didn't even relise my true strength yet. I had no idea what powers were inside me. But I grew terrified of my own power. As Vance comes at me again my eyes glow purple. Vances right, raging, ravenous eye explodes instantly to nothing. He grabs his eye I see his blood pouring out from his absent eye. He growls loudly in pain and screams. I start to shake my eyes wide full of fear for myself. Did I do that? All I did was look at him. Little did I know that wasn't enough to stop his wicked deeds. Vance seems to start something but suddenly everything goes crazy. I knew what this was. He broke time, I didn't even know he was that powerful. As everything distorts and goes crazy. Darkness creeps in and everything feels enetence. He looks at me Vances laugh bellows through the emptiness.

"You will be mine no matter what I have to break."

I was worried not about Vances power but my own. But knowing I had my lover and best friend at my side. Well that gave me courage to fight along side them. To protect them like they protected me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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