Purple eyes

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"What do you mean... Who are you speaking of?  Thaddeus what... Is going on?" I say as I feel my throat growing tight. I see a flash of devilish eyes that are deep with hunger. I cry out to the one I love. "Thaddeus... whos eye's... want?" I say before I am greeted with darkness. I slowly begin to open my eyes I see the man I love his eyes are full of worry.

"Cora you have been in and out for hours. I....I t-they didn't tell me that it would be this way! Ok I have decided." Just as Thaddeus trys to finish his thought, the man I met in town breaks in.

"Thad I could smell her from my dwelling, the purple eyes are making her a beacon for anyone to come and take her." He says as he holds his hand up his lower face is covered. Then it feels like time just stops. "I have stopped time for everyone but us however it is time for you to turn her or tell her."

"OK! I know! I get what is happening but thank you anyways Leanus for helping." Thaddeus says looking at me. "Cora I will tell you about the purple eyes. Your the only known person to have purple eyes like this. You have great powers that people wanted. So your mother sealed them away and faked your death. But in reality you where turned human. I have been a protecter to you for many years that is why, I was to watch over you. Leanus was a great friend to you and he was to marry you to make your families war end. Your parents Lily and Eron died to protect you. But they loved you more than anything." He smiles and hugs me.

"I..I never relized that I was not human. My head still hurts and I feel like something bad is going to happen to me. Are my eyes still glowing purple?" All my words run together I am confused and worried. I keep seeing those hungry eyes that want me.

"Shhh now Cora we will protect you rest for a bit." Leanus says snapping his fingers as two red and black dogs apear his eyes are glowing a deep red color.

"He is right we will protect you always." Thaddus says as his eyes glow blue he holds my hand and kisses my head. Then Leanus snaps his fingers and time starts again. The two of then go outside. I hear voices I have never heard.

"Make this easy give her to us." The voice says. I get up slowly everything is spining and I feel no strength in my body. I look out the window and see the two men fighting a bunch of vampires. Thaddeus is surounding them in fire and buring them to nothing. Leanus is using every eliment known. I fall to my knees as I grab the wall. I pull my knees to my chest and sob I feel the wall crack behind me and the glass window shatter. I fall over and pass out. Through blinks I see Leanus pick me up and lay me on the bed. I then awake to Thaddeus watching me. I feel like time has stopped again.

"He is going to keep sending underlings until he runs out. We can fight them easily you need rest so rest please." Thaddeus says getting up and time starts. I close my eyes and am greeted with a dream of a beautiful woman who looks like me she tells me to keep fighting and that she loves me. Then I am greeted with those evil eyes again and I awake. I feel cold and weak, I decide to sleep again. I see me, but smaller more child like and I see what looks like Leanus as a child. We are playing in a yard of a castle our parents are watching us. Then a flash and I see me watching Thaddeus carve TK and CB into a tree, he doesn't add a heart but I felt I wanted to. Another flash I see the place that we ate sweet cakes. But Thaddeus and I are younger eating sweet cakes and drinking a red liquid together. A final flash shows him and me on that cliff he hands me a box and I open it and an amzing beautiful braclet is in it he puts it on my arm and kisses me. Then I wake up again, im still alone I asume they are fighting outside still. I hear the clashes and bangs. I stare at the celing, and think about my dreams.

"Were those memories?" I shed a singal tear. My head starts to hurt worse and my chest grows tight. I wondered why I felt this way. I get up and put one of the blankets on my shoulders. I slowly get up and look at them fighting outside the broken window. Then I walk to his book shelf with various items on it and see the box from my dream I smile then go back to the window. I feel something behind me I feel my chest pounding and head hurting. I feel someone touch my shoulders and put there arms around me. I hear a deep evil voice.

"Hello Vampire queen, I have come for you." The man says as he smells me. "You are human well that will not do will it. I guess I will get them to follow me." He licks my neck and I scream he holds his hands over my eyes and eveything goes blank.

(This next part is what Thaddeus sees as she is taken)
I look at the window she broke and see her standing in it. Even though she is in pain she still looks beautiful. I see her standing there smiling then I continue to fight for her. Then I hear her scream and sence her in danger, I look up. He is holding her in his arms his eyes hungry he licks his lips and takes her. I knew it was him it had to be. I run after them and Leanus follows me. I won't let him take the only thing I love.

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