The Search

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That was the best I had ever slept, All I could think about was my new friend. I was not alone anymore I felt that  Thaddeus and I would be together for a long time. I looked over at the onyx pendent, I had sat it on my bed side table next to mothers book. I starred at the ceiling, and decided to get out of bed. I got up and ate one of the sweet cakes I had bought in town, they taste like cinnamon and sugar. I also had an apple so I can stay healthy and fit. I went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror at my messy black hair, I brushed it out. I cleaned my face and went into my room to get one of my books; I grabbed the book mother left me on vampires and I picked up the pendent. I started to read I got to the place I had left off, talking about the first vampires. The pendent buzzed,

"Hello Cora can you hear me?" Thaddeus said softly

"Yes Thaddeus, I can hear you clearly, is something the matter?" I said thinking of his soft touch

"Not really, Cora I just wanted to know if you would like to go to the nearest village with me?" He replied

"Yes, I don't have anything to do today, plus I like spending time with you." I said with a smile

"Ok I will come to your house, do you have a horse to ride there?" He replied .

"Oh I actually don't I normally walk to town." I said.

"Its ok you can ride on the back of my horse for now and maybe I can get you a nice horse of your own." He said with a smile.

"You really don't have to but thank you," I said with my face ruby red. I have to hold on to him while riding a horse. Thaddeus arrives at my house with a black and white horse, the horse had cherry red eyes. He extends his hand to me, and helps me on the horse.

"We are not going to go very fast but if you wish to hold my waist to ensure you do not fall then proceed." He says with a quant smile.

"Uh... ha ha very nice of you but I bet you just want to feel my touch." I said with a smerk on my face.

"Who would not want such a beautiful woman to touch them." He says grining back at me.

I do not say anything and I grab his waist holding on to him felt warm to me. He was suck a cold creature but for some reason he was warm around me. I could tell my cheeks where rosie, and I tried to hide it. He did not say anything for awhile. We came upon the small town of Magendor it was a trade town. There are about fifteen houses in the town and a few trading posts and farms. I couldn't stop thinking about him saying I was beautiful, my face grew red. I looked at him he was stareing at me. Did he think I was really beautiful or did he just want my blood?

" I need to go see the lord of this area, but I also need to go to the records hall, what about you where do u need to go?" Thaddeus asked.

"Um well I need some food and I would like to look at the general goods store." I replied.

"Ok I'll go see the lord you go to the general goods store" he said putting his hand on my shoulder
I nodded and began to walk away to the general goods store. I entered and picked up the food I needed, I also picked up some paper and ink. As I was walking around the store a man was following me I began to walk out. He would not stop following me, when I walked past an ally he pushed me into the long stretch of buildings. I had hit the hard cobble stone road it scraped my arm crimson leaked from my pale skin. The man looked at me and began to laugh, his laugh was maddening. I began to get scared when I noticed his blank blood red eyes, they looked hungry. He touched my arm that leaked blood and tasted it, his touch was painful it hurt me.

"What are you right now," the man said with a harsh voice.

" your blood tastes like hers but how are you so weak, what are you?" He asked again.

" I don't know what your talking about I have never met you, and I'm human ok!" I say back.

" oh I see well just know that he is not telling you the truth." He said as he walked away.

"What does he mean?"

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