Chapter 2 - how to wreak a hotel room (FINALLY YAY)

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A/N: sorry guys, i know it took a while buttttttttt its here now so enjoy - Crazy

*At the hotel*

Liam’s P.O.V

We sat the girls down on the couch, well….tied them there, and stared at them in disbelief. Why did I agree with the boys to bring these two idiots along? Courtney and Caitlin grinned at each other and started to sing, or scream.

“99 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL 99 BOTTLES OF BEER! TAKE ONE DOWN PASS IT AROUND 98 BOTTLES OF BEER ON  THE WALL-“ Harry cut them off but slamming duct-tape on to their mouths, but somehow you could still make out their muffled screaming. “Okay well we are going out for a bit, and when we come back we want to see; no blood, nothing broken and NO SINGING!” I instructed. They rolled their eyes at us and made vague gestures telling us to leave.

“Oh and one more thing,” Harry piped up with a devious smile on his face, “We don’t want to see any glitter, tomato sauce, shaving cream, marbles, potatoes, lose Oreos, OR *CENSORED* TWISTER MATS!”

“WHAT *CENSORED* YOU *CESORED* MOTHER*CENSORED* HOW DARE YOU *CENSORED* TAKE AWAY OUR *CENSORED* TWISTER MATS!” Courtney yelled and yes we could hear her through the tape. Then Caitlin started to make muffled noises, she only seemed to get louder and louder until Niall finally ripped it off her face. She glared at him in fake anger before turning to me with a smart look on her face.

“How would we leave any lose Oreos anywhere when we would eat them all? And you know you probably shouldn’t even trust us in the bathroom for over ten minutes at a time, you also expect us to behave? YOU DON’T KNOW US AT ALL! WATCH YOU *CENSORED* LANGUAGE WHEN THERE ARE CHILDREN IN THE ROOM! By that, I mean Courtney,” Caitlin said with a curt nod of the head before glaring accusingly at Harry.

“Mhffmh!” Courtney shouted and I think that is actually what she said. Niall rolled his eyes and ripped off the tape. “Honestly you would think after touring with you idiots for two months you would know not to trust us alone in a hotel room! Or anywhere for that matter!” Courtney said for once saying something intelligent.

 We all stayed silent and I shared looks with the boys, “You guys can come with us then,” Zayn said unsurely, the girls stared at him for a moment before looking at each other with evil grins on their annoying faces.

“MAKEUP TIME!” They screamed together. Oh shit.

“On second thoughts, you can stay here JUST FOLLOW THE RULES!” Louis said. We all nodded in agreement. "You'll get a present if we come back and you followed the rules as well," Louis bargained with a slight smirk on his face. The girls nodded and smiled sweetly…too sweetly. “We promise…now BYE!” Courtney yelled at us.

I shot them a nervous glance, as did the rest of the lads before walking slowly towards the door. Once outside all five of us had a small battle over who would press there ear to the door, Niall won. “WE CAN’T DO ANYTHING! WE’RE STILL TIED UP YOU KNOW!” Caitlin yelled really loudly making Niall recoil in shock.

I nodded and pulled the lads to the lift.

Courtney’s P.O.V

“Okay let’s go,” Caitlin whispered. I nodded and the two of us began to try and free ourselves. Eventually Caitlin gave out a loud victory cry, looking over I saw that she had finally gotten her right hand out of the WEB OF LIES. “I AM WOLVERRINE!” I shouted for the second time today and then started to claw at the tape.

“You *censored* idiot, I’ve already got both arms out,” Caitlin said smartly while showing off by lifting up one of her eyebrows. I don’t care what people say I SHALL DO THAT ONE DAY! “Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that,” Caitlin said in a bored tone. What I didn’t say my thoughts out loud did I? Quick hide everything she can hear us!

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