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Courtney’s P.O.V

I woke up. Calmly I looked at the clock. Upon seeing the date in the corner I screamed and threw the covers off and raced into Caitlin’s room. Turned out Louis had two spare rooms after all. “Caitlin wake up.” I whisper yelled. She grumbled. “It’s Christmas.” I said quietly. She screamed with me and jumped out of bed. Christmas = the only day Caitlin gets up willingly. Then the two of us raced down the corridor and into Louis’ room.

We looked at each other, grinned then dived out his bed. Probably squishing him in the process. “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” we yelled. He laughed at us and pulled us both into a hug. We resisted a bit but too be honest my mind was filled with presents.

“GO GO GO GO GO!! PRESENTS!” Caitlin shouted. Louis laughed. “Okay, okay I’m getting up!” he calmed. We leaped out of his bed. He followed quickly after us. “PRESENTS PRESENTS PRESENTS!” we chanted.

We arrived in the main sitting room of his apartment where his tree stood. The day we had got back from the tour. We had hurriedly put up the tree while playing loud Christmas music. Underneath the tree was our quickly (and rather messily) wrapped Christmas presents with name tags.

“Breakfast first.” Louis said, his sensible side kicking in. We groaned but quickly scarfed down a bowl of cereal each. Finally it was time for the presents! Caitlin and I pulled out the biggest presents for each of us. “Uh uh uh! You have to keep those ones for last!” Louis sassed, waving a finger at us. We sighed and put them back under the tree. Then grinned and handed him a present from both of us that we had sneakily purchased.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS CARROT BOY!” we sang together. He smiled happily and ripped at the wrapping. His eyes widened as he took in the full sight of his present.

We had got him a giant onese with the superman logo on the front and a cape as well has shit loads of carrots. He immediately put it on before pulling us both into a suffocating hug. “Ugh can’t breathe.” I choked out. Louis apologised and let go of us.

We unwrapped our other presents, leaving the two big ones. Half way through the other guys enter carrying more gifts. Soon we each had a pile of gifts on the floor next to us. And Liam was wearing the Buzz Lightyear onses we got him.  At last the only two gift left were the big ones for me and Caitlin.

We both grabbed our respective presents. Caitlin tore off the wrapping as soon as she had it. I looked up to see the boys filming us. Caitlin gasped happily and pulled out a huge and I mean HUGE box of mixed confectionary. Then underneath that were three colouring in books with a giant tub of crayons. “THANK YOU!” Caitlin yelled happily.

“Okay your turn.”

I turned to the present in front of me and ripped at the paper. Inside was a big ass box - which I got open with only a little bit of struggling. I flung open the lid and inside was more individually wrapped presents. Bastards.

I unwrapped each one too reveal crayons, silly string, smurf figurines and two lightsabers. This time it was my turn to scream thank you.

The rest of the day went fast. Filled with insane amounts of food.

And both Caitlin and I were tucked into bed at eight o clock and asleep ten minutes after. 

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS! yay. and if you don't celebrate christmas happy holidays. so since i live in australia it's actually boxing day but because of time zones i get to upload for someones christmas...otherwise enjoy. also i want to know what you all got. comment telling me please?

i got three sonic screwdrives, art supplies and a shit load of new books

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