Twenty nine

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"Harry what the hell is going on!" I yelled at him. My eyes were wide open and I was out of breath from running.

"Noting never mind." He said as he wiped the blood from his knuckles on his t-shirt and walked away. He left me there with Jason who was staring at me furiously.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" He yelled at me.
Me? What did I do? I had nothing to do with this.

"What are you talking about Jason?" I asked confused. I had such a good time with him the other night. Was this about me getting back with Harry?

"You'll figure it out." He threatened as he pointed his finger at me. He scared me. I did not understand the deal between these boys but for some reason I felt involved and I had a bad feeling about it.

Perrie had followed me and I turned around when I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Let's go." She whispered. I nodded and walked away. I need to talk to Harry about this.

We left the park and as we got to the car Perrie stopped and took my arm so I would look at her.
"I can't go into the specifics, but Jason is bad news. Harry being involved with him in anyway is bad news, Rose." She whispered. The look in her eyes showed fear and worry.

"I don't understand. What are you talking about Perrie?"
I asked. I was so confused about this whole situation. What the hell was going on.

"I can't tell you, Rosie. It's better if you don't know." She said and got in the car. I got in next to her and we drove off.

"I'm worried." I whispered as I was fiddling with my shirt.

"I know." She said and put her hand on my leg. "It'll be fine." She assured me.
I wasn't so sure. Something felt off about all this.

Harry's POV

"Jesus Christ Jason! I am not going through with it." I yelled. I realized it was a terrible idea to stay involved with Jason if I wanted things to work out with Rose, but as I figured Jason was not going to give up easily.

"You know you're really pissing me off right now, Harry. If you don't get the 30.000 from him, I'm gonna have to get it from you." Jason threatened.

"You know I don't have that kind of money, Jason." I said. I was so sick of his games. He just needs to let this go.

"It's either him or you." He said with a mean smirk on his face.

"Well why don't you have someone else get it for you? If it's that important." I suggested.

"It's your job, so you finish it." Jason said as he crossed his arms in front of him. He was just trying to piss me off right now. This was all just a game to him.

"Fuck you, Jason. I'm not doing it." I raised my voice. I was done with this douche.

"Why? Because of Rose? I can easily eliminate that problem if that motivates you." He said taking a step towards me. He squinted his eyes and a smirk covered his face.

"If you so much as lay a finger on her, I swear.."

"You'll do what? Let your lions loose on me? Kick me while you curl your hair with your finger. You ain't shit Harry and you know it. If Rose is standing in the way of me getting what I want, then I have no problem with taking care of that." Jason said with a harsh tone.

Was he seriously threatening her? I felt the anger boiling in my stomach and before I knew it my fist took a swing at Jason's face and I felt the crack of his nose under my knuckles. I was blinded by anger and even Jason's punch back didn't hurt. I could kill him right now. There is no way I'm going to let him hurt her. I was in no way in my right mind anymore as I was relentlessly punching him.

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