Thirty nine

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Jason's POV

I wasn't in a good mood today. I still hadn't heard from Harry even though I didn't make it too hard to get in contact with me. I wanted to hear the desperation in his voice just so I could laugh at it.

Rose had been in that shithole for a few days now and I was thinking of a way to make it even worse for Harry once he got here. I knew it wouldn't take long until he would find this place. I noticed a while back  some guy was following me. I don't know who hired him. I assume one of the boys, so I am pretty sure they'll be here soon.

I already had another safe house set up and I was thinking about leaving tonight. I wanted to leave some kind of trail. So he would know he was in the right place but just a little too late. Like a hunt. A game.

I thought about Diana. About the first time I brought her here. She wanted nothing to do with me and I blame that on Harry. If he hadn't fucked her and hurt her in the first place I might've had an honest chance.
She was so scared. That little kitten. I had never wanted anyone more in my life than her.

I had a hard time controlling these emotions and I knew that what I was doing at the time was probably wrong, but how else was she going to give me a chance to prove myself. God, the things I did to her.

I closed my eyes and pictured her soft pink skin in between my teeth and her beautiful blond hair in my hands. The desperate cries for me to stop which later turned into cries for me not to stop. She was it. That woman is all I wanted in life and Harry ruined her. I hate him for what he did to her. I know that what I did most people would find even more disgusting, but I kind of feel like it was different. Like I had the right to do such a thing because she was mine.

I had decided on what to leave behind for Harry. Skin, fingernails or ears seemed a bit too extreme so I went with the less extreme version. I got up from my chair and waved at Caleb and Sebastian to come with me and so they did.

We went over to the room where I was keeping Rose and on our way over I called the doctor who treading her leg to inform him that I was on my way I that I expected no resistance from him. He sounded scared on the phone. He had been by my office multiple times asking me to just take her to a hospital and to let her go, but I always told him the same thing. To back the fuck off and let me take care of my own business.

Sebastian and I walked into her room while Caleb stayed outside with the doctor to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Please let me go, Jason! I have nothing to do with whatever is going on between you and Harry!" She begged.

I loved to hear her beg. To feel like controls her. But right now I was also kind of annoyed. How could she think she had nothing to do with this. She had everything to do with this.

"Oh but you do. You see, Harry once took something that belonged to me and now I'm doing the same. But Harry is a little bit late, so I guess we're gonna have to put a little pressure on him. How about we cut of your hair and send it to him." I said with a smile.

I was so excited about this. To think about the look on Harry's face when he'd find her hair here instead of her. I could already taste his desperation in my mouth and it tasted amazing. She started to cry and scream, but I held her down as Sebastian cut her beautiful hair.

Just looking at this turned me on. She was so helpless, so weak. Like a prey and a predator we fought a fight that she in no way was going to win from me and I loved it. She was mine now and I took her from Harry.

After her hair was cut off and put in a bag with a note on it, we decided to move quickly. So I had some of my man get her into a van and drive her to the next location. As they were doing so I heard her screaming again.

"Jesus woman, shut the fuck up." I whispered under my breath.

I decided to go a little later to make sure everything here was perfect for when Harry would get here. I put the bag of hair and the note on her bed and left the door open. Just as I was about to go to my car when my phone rang.

"Hello princes!"

"Jason, did you get her to the other safe house?"

"Yes I did, why do you sound so rushed?"

"They'll be there soon. You have to leave."

"Well I was already on my way out when you called."

"Fine whatever, just get out of there now and make sure Harry knows you were there."

"Yes boss."

"You know I love you right?"

"Yes, but it's the best thing I heard all day. I love you too."

She hang up and I smiled. I couldn't wait to be with her again, but I had to take care of this first. So I got in my car and drove to the next safe house.
On my way there I past a car and a quick look inside I noticed Zayn behind the wheel and I laughed.

"Too late mother fuckers!" I laughed as I continued my way to where Rose actually was. I visualized Harry's face when he found her hair and I felt a sort of pride come over me. I did this and I was proud of myself.


So I know it took forever and I know this chapter is short but I will be writing more frequently from now on I promise. I hope you still read it and will still support me cause I need that haha.


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