The Wedding (1)

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Taeyeon and Jiyong were just lounging at Taeyeon's apartment when suddenly,the advertisement for We Got Married was shown.It show Joy and Sungjae of BTOB.

Taeyeon chuckled.

"Why are you chuckling?"Jiyong asked as he intertwined his hand with hers."Just remember Hyungdon oppa after I watched that ad."Taeyeon said and grabbed the remote to change the channel.

Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows.

"You guys still contacting?"Taeyeon hummed a yes and put the remote beside her.

They were watching Music Bank and Taetiseo 'Dear Santa' was played."You look adorable in that outfit."Jiyong commented and pecked Taeyeon's cheek.She just chuckled and then she looked at him.

"Ji,since you already proposed to me.When is our wedding?"She asked and bit her lips nervously.She was scared that Jiyong wanted to take it slowly since she is ready to be his."Nearer the date,the happier I'll be."Jiyong,as usual said his cheesy trademark.

"Mom already asked me when should we held our wedding and where and that's why I asked you."

She hugged his arm and put her head on his shoulder."You know,since the first time I date you,I already set my mind to be yours only."He stared at her and she stared back at him lovingly."Ooh,Mr. G-Dragon is being cheesy~"Taeyeon said and pinched his nose.

"Only for you babe."They smiled toward each other and their faces started to move closer not until they heard someone coughing violently.

"Kwon Yuri!"

Both of them turned to the entrance and saw Yuri held the door for support and coughed violently with a cup of coffee in her other hand.Apparently,she choked on her coffee after she saw Taeyeon and Jiyong almost kiss.

Tiffany and Yoona just stood behind her and smiled sheepishly at the couple."Just come in."Jiyong said and put his arm around Taeyeon's shoulder.Tiffany,Yuri and Yoona sat at the large couch that was put beside the couch that the couple was currently sitting on.

Taeyeon snuggled closer to Jiyong and he put his chin on Taeyeon's shoulder as they kept on watching the television.The 3 girls just watched them in envy.

"You know what? You guys are making us extremely jealous."Tiffany said and the other 2 nodded."Then get back together with your ex."Jiyong said that made the girls glared at him and huffed.The 3 girls broke up with their boyfriend because they were busy,so Jiyong didn't see why they didn't get back to each other.

"So,when is the wedding?"Yuri asked and the couple looked at each other and smiled."Next December."The 3 girls stoned for awhile and then shrieked."Oh my god! They are growing up already!"Tiffany said in tears.Taeyeon scrunched her face and went to her members to hug them."Why are you guys crying?"The 3 girls were sobbing as Taeyeon tried to comfort them.

"I still remember how you were called kid leader and got bothered by many guys that confessed to you and you reject evey single of them.Now you are geting married!"Tiffany said and they continued to sob,including Taeyeon.

Jiyong was panicked after he saw the 4 girls were crying their eyes out.

"So,you're going to leave the group?"Yoona asked as she pouted."Hey relax,I still have one year right?"Taeyeon tried to cheer them up but apparently,they cried louder.

Jiyong took a selfie of himself with the 4 girls crying behind him and posted it on his instagram.With the caption :

Fany,Yul and Yoona started to cry after we announce our wedding will be next December...Then Taengoo cry along! What should I do?!

That's how he shook the K-Pop world again.

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