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I felt two strong arms forcefully grip on each of my weaker, pained forearms like their life depended on it. I struggled to free myself from these barbaric, uncivilized wolves so I used my voice to try and free myself.

"I WANT TO BE KILLED" I screamed, pushed my legs in different directions to try and uneven their balance, but even their muscles would bulge. Each of them looked to be ten times more muscular and trained so my hope was descending quickly to escape the arms of these men and continue on to fight with him.

"FATHER" I heard that butcher King lecture his father on how he was capable of making decisions on his own but his father said otherwise.

I was too busy screaming, and doing other unladylike actions I know my Aunt Tea would be disappointed of to hear the rest of that petty lecture.

"You know who you remind me of?" I calmed for half a second catching the eyes of the curious guard to my left as soon as we entered the palace.

The guards eyebrow lifted into a straight line as to what I had to say interested his mind.

"A horrendous mule" I answered back codified, making sure it was crystal to them that sturdy fear was something I would die than show.

"If I were King, your head would have already been in my hands dripping blood and reeking of death" The guard to my right bickered harshly making me roll my eyes at his unrealistic remark.

"Madiva, may God be with you. The King wants her cleaned up" We stopped after walking down a rich-crafted hallway made from opulent opal, from top to bottom. There was a thin line however with lined up, glistening gems giving a sumptuous twist to this ancient castle. I took a brief look around the lavish interior and exicitic carpets  before meeting eyes with dreary, coffee coloured eyes that held solemnity so frightening. I straightened up my posture and gulped as the woman who was fully clothed in affluent attire made from the fabric of Persia looked down at me with a questioning, disgusted look. Her aging hair neatly tied into an elegant bun with wrinkles seasoning her worn out look gave me the aurora that she was no elder to be messed with.

Madiva raked me before nodding to the two guards who now freed me from their strong grip and leaving me all alone with the presence of the devil's mistress.

"Follow me" She peskily demanded as she gave me her back and walked ahead of me not bothering to look back at me. I tightened my hands into a fist before closing my eyes trying with all control I have to make sure I don't do anything I'll regret. I wanted to run back to Alex but everywhere I looked, there was a guard at every inch.

I followed her however, something in me forced me to follow her even if it was against my will to do so.

My feet were bare, cold and my body was aching painfully but I couldn't find something to compare to my sore, bleeding heart. Fractured like a crystal underneath the hammering of a hammer, piece by piece it was being teared apart and the pain of that was cruel. I tried not to think about Alex and his swollen face, blood drained out and hurting body hanging from a rope. I really tried, I tried to entertain myself with the rich mahogany furniture conved from France or the candle-lit chandelier hanging above with diamonds attaching it to the ceiling but everywhere I looked, an image of Alex's face was drawn. His breathtaking smile, his pearl teeth, his glistening, positive eyes or the way he'd kiss me when I looked admirable to him tightened the belt around my heart barbarously. I still could not drill the fact that his physical presence was now gone, he was actually dead. I believed this to be a dream, it had to be. Alex promised me that we would live centuries together, we would bring beautiful children into this world and raise them together. He broke his promise. I felt a hard cry hitch right in the middle of my throat as I began to deeply think of an innocent life I just killed without knowing it. I ignored everyone who was talking, I blinded them off, wishing the very best for God to take my soul.

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