Chapter four: tears, tears and more tears

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It was five thirty already and I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. I blew it dry and let it go into its natural curls. I put on jean shorts with an off the shoulder white shirt. I applied mascara and blush to my face. With that, I walked downstairs. I made my way to the door but I was stopped by my mom.

          “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked.

“Um, I’m going to Harry’s.” I said a little hesitantly. She stared into my eyes for a little while and I knew she knew I was lying.

          “Let’s try this again. Where are you going?” she asked a little more sternly.

“Mom, I have a date.” I said bluntly. Her facial expression softened up.

          “Who is he? What is his name?...”My mom was spilling out all of these questions that I didn’t want to answer.

“His name is Joe. And you don’t know him but I have to go. Bye! Love you!” I said and quickly and ran out of the door.  I shook my head thinking about all of the questions my mom was asking me. I got in my car. It took me a while to start it after all it is a 1967 Chevy Impala so it’s pretty old; That is why I always walk to school. Anyway, I got in my car and typed in his address on my iPhone. I got to Joe’s apartment within ten minutes. I took the stairs to the third floor. His number was ‘3H’. I knocked on the door, and he opened. He was wearing grey sweatpants and he didn’t have a shirt on. I tried to remain calm but I could tell I was blushing, a lot.

          “Sorry, I just got here, and then I took a shower. But I did manage to get dinner started. I hope you don’t mind if it’s a little late.” He said.

“It’s fine. That mean I get to stay longer.” I smirked and walked in his apartment.

          His apartment was very nice for a guy. It was very old looking with a splash of modern but I liked it. He had books everywhere of course. I walked over to his kitchen area, and sat on a stool.

          “So hun, just out of curiosity, why do you have your shirt off?” I asked looking at his six-pack.

“Just to make you drool… I’m kidding. It was hot in here because I was cooking.” He said.

          “I believe your first reason and it’s kind of working.” I winked. He smirked at me.

“So what’s up? How’s life?” he asked.

          “Great except that my best friend Harry keeps getting mad at me over stupid things.” I said.

“Like what?” he asked.

          “He was mad because I left at lunch and because I’m dating! Like, he needs to grow up!”

“So he hates me already?” Joe chuckled.

          “No, he’s just being selfish and annoying.”

“Well it’s ok. Don’t stress over him.” Joe said. He walked over to me and started massage my shoulders. I felt warm when he touched me.

          Dinner was finally ready after a while. We ate and chatted about our day. About an hour later, we watched a few movies. Time passed quickly and I realized it was almost one o’clock in the morning.

          “Joe, I’m sorry, but I have to go.” I said. I stood up and walked to the door. Joe wrapped me in his arms. He pecked my lips.

“See you tomorrow babe.” He said sweetly.

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