Chapter nine: and bad news

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Joe answered the door. I smiled at him.

          “Hey what’s up hon?” I asked trying to sound cheerful. I attempted to walk in but he just stood there blocking the way, by slightly leaning against the frame of the door.

          “When were you going to say something about this? When were you going to tell me?” he yelled. I was startled by his actions. I shook my head confused.

          “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Charlotte, I trusted you! I really liked you” he yelled yet again.

          “Joe, what did I do?! Please tell me because I have no idea!” I yelled back getting a little pissed. He chuckled in sarcasm.

          “Stop playing dumb!  You cheated on me- Look, just don’t come back here. This whole thing was a mistake and it never should have happened.” He said harshly looking deeply in my eyes. He slammed the door in my face. I stood there shocked trying to process what just happened. When I finally realized I just lost Joe, I broke down in the middle of the hallway. I sat there and cried. I finally had the strength to pull myself together and get up from the floor. I drove home immediately. Luckily when I got there, my mom wasn’t there so I was able to try to calm myself down. I went to my room and just cried. Of course when I realized I loved him, he would do this to me and tell me I was cheating on him. First of all, I would never and second, I don’t even know where he came up with that idea.

          The week went by and I didn’t go to school at all. I couldn’t bear to see him but I knew I would have to go back. It was Monday morning and my mom was making me go to school. I knew I looked a mess but I didn’t care. I threw on a pair of baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I let my hair down. I didn’t bother putting any make up on. I looked out of my window and saw Harry and Collin waiting for me so I quickly grabbed my bag and went outside.

          “Hey, she’s alive!” Harry said jokingly. I slightly smiled.

“Charlotte, how ya feeling? Mr. Benzoli’s been asking about you but I couldn’t really answer. I mean we haven’t seen you-.” Collin explained. I blocked everything out after he said Joe was asking about me. I didn’t know what to say, so I just nodded pretending not to care. We got to school and I wasn’t looking forward to homeroom. The bell rang to go to homeroom and so I went. It was awkward. I could feel him staring at me but I refused to look up. He cleared his throat loudly.  I looked up and my gaze met his. Immediately, I put my head back down. I started fidgeting with my fingers while waiting for the bell to ring. It finally rang to go to first period. I walked out of homeroom as fast as I could. I didn’t feel up to finishing school that day so I left early.  I didn’t go home because if I did, I knew I would cry in my bedroom the whole time. So I decided to go for a walk. I just walked and walked. I kept walking trying to make myself not cry. Suddenly while I was walking, I bumped into a hard and tall figure. I slowly looked up and saw Collin. He had a worried expression plastered on his face and just hugged me. I need that hug. As I calmed down, Collin and I went to a local park and sat on a bench.

          “Thanks Col. I owe you one.”

“Nah, it’s cool. That’s what friends are for right?” he nudged me. I smiled.

          “I think I’m okay. I’ll be fine.” I said nodding trying to convince myself.

“So are you over that douche?” he asked.

          “Col, that’s a low blow and no. I’m not. Look I loved him. I actually loved him.” I said looking at the ground.  He nodded understanding and embraced me in another tight hug. We spent about another hour at the park. I finally went home. I didn’t eat dinner. It was a long day so I decided to go straight to bed.

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