Chapter twenty four: Joe's point of view

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(this chapter is in actually in Joe's pointing view meaning he is the narrator)

It’d been 3 weeks, and I haven’t heard from Charlie at all. I’ve called, texted, and even emailed her but I’ve got nothing. I couldn’t go to her house to see if she was there. I began to get really worried. I just wanted to know if she was okay, even if she was forbidden to see me. I looked at my clock and realized it was almost 3 o’clock. I was going to try to catch Harry on his way home from school. I threw on my sneakers and ran out of my apartment. I took a quick jog down to the town area knowing I would see Harry walking home from school. As I stopped at the corner of the coffee shop, I saw Harry walking a few yards ahead of me.

          “Harry, wait!” I yelled. He turned around and stopped.


          “Where’s Charlotte? I’ve been trying to contact her! Is she alright?” I asked. He shrugged.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I haven’t seen her for 3 days. Her parents came over, and said she hasn’t said one word to them lately, and that she’s been looking depressed.” He sighed.

          “Wait, what did she say when you last saw her?” I questioned.

“She came over bawling her eyes out. She said she heard her mom say she wish she never met her father because life would be more simple” He explained. I was confused.

          “What does that mean?”

“You’re pretty slow for a teacher. Her mom basically wished she wasn’t born.” Poor Charlie. She needs someone right now. I have to find her. Scratch that. I need to find her.

          “Okay, thanks man. If you see her, just tell her to reach me.. please.” I slightly smiled. He nodded and we went our separate ways.

          I took a long and slow walk home. I needed to clear my head from everything. I tried to get Charlie out of my mind but I possibly couldn’t. She was I could think about. I just need to know she was okay, safe, and happy.

          I finally arrived home. I took my key out, and I unlocked my door. Just as I was about to stroll in, I noticed an envelope with my name written in cursive on. I picked it up and went inside my apartment, closing the door behind me. I threw the letter on my kitchen island and took of my jacket, placing it on one of the stools. I picked my letter back up and opened the envelope. Immediately, I noticed it was Charlotte’s handwriting, and started to read it.

Dear Joe,      

          I wanted to write you this letter to you a few things that I couldn’t possibly say in person. But first want you to know that I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. You are truly amazing and words can’t describe how grateful I am to have you in my life. To be honest, a lot has been going on this year. Some good, some bad, but we seemed to pull through it, until hell hit us hard. Luckily that didn’t bring us down; It only made us stronger. I know you’re probably worried about me but don’t. As you read this, I’m probably on the plane to Georgia. I’m staying with my father’s mother. She totally understands me and my situation.

          Anyway Joe, I know I won’t be seeing my mom and Brian for a while, so please make sure you tell them  that I love them, and that I’m sorry for all of the trouble and hurt I put them through. Also please tell them not to do anything hurtful toward you (you can show my mom this if you’d like. I know she would want to see it.) Also, tell Harry I said thank for everything. And tell him that I love him so much, and I’ll see him soon.

          And for you, Joe, there’s not much left for me to say. This year was fun. I learned a lot and I’m glad I was able to share it with you. You are my rock. I would have crashed and burned if you weren’t here. I love you so so much. Don’t dread the past, don’t cry because of the present, but smile because of the future. Joe I love you and we can’t wait to see you.

                                                                             Love always,


          Tears that I didn’t know I had fell onto the letter. I noticed another piece of paper on the ground. I bent down and picked it up. I looked at it as I stood back up. I stared at paper in awe. It was a photo of a sonogram of a baby. I turned the photo around and saw more writing.

          Looks like we can be a real family soon. See you in 9 months daddy! Xo

          Tears trickled down my cheek. I froze in my position. I was mixed with emotions. Happy because I know she- they’re okay. Sad because they’re gone. Shocked because we’re having a baby. Angry because she staying away from me for so long. But also a sense of relief washed over me because I knew I was going to see her and our baby soon.

          That’s the funny thing about love. It never makes sense, yet we still strive for it and some of us are even willing to wait; But the longer you wait, the stronger the love becomes. And that’s exactly how I felt about Charlie and our baby already. I’m willing to wait.

 The End. :)

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