Chapter eight: good news

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I woke up and Joe was laying there next to me. Naked. I smiled as I remembered last night. Joe slowly woke up and I just laid there smiling slightly. He turned his body around to face me.

“Good morning love.” He said very deeply. I thought his morning voice was really hot.


          “How are you feeling?”

“Great.” I smiled. He smiled back at me and kissed my forehead. Joe got out of bed and put a pair of sweatpants on and left the room. I got up after him and put on my underwear and one of Joe’s shirts. I followed him down the hallway and into the kitchen. I sat on a stool near the small island and watched him make coffee.

          “So Charlie, was I better than the first guy?” he said with a wink.

“Anything is better than him.” I muttered. I was fidgeting with my fingers at the thought of him.  I was getting uncomfortable with the topic.

          “Wait so how old was you when it happened because you’re only eighteen now, and how?” he asked getting really into the topic which I wanted to get out.

          “I uh- well when I was sixteen, I was at a party, and I was in a closet with a kid making out. He wanted to go further but I didn’t so he uh- raped me.” A felt a tear fall down my cheek. He came up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug.

          “Charlie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to pres- …… look, last night didn’t have to happen.” He said looking into my eyes with pity. I shook my head.

“No, I wanted to.” I smiled weakly.

          After that awkward moment, we just continued with our day. It was getting late so I decided to go home.

          Winter break passed quickly. I spent almost every day with Joe. We even managed to see each other on Christmas. Our break was over and we had to back to school unfortunately. I did my daily routine. I showered and got dresses. I waited for Harry to come outside. Surprisingly, we arrived at school a little early. I was just about to go to homeroom until I heard an announcement over the loud speaker.

          “Charlotte Winchester, please report to the main office. Thank you.”

          Harry looked at me and started saying ‘ooh’ as if we were in kindergarten. I rolled my eyes, and went to the office. Mrs. Aveen, our principal, was there.

          “Hello Charlotte. Thank you for coming. We have a new transfer student starting today. I was wondering if he could shadow you. You both have almost every class together.” She explained.

          “Sure.” I said. She started walking into the office and I followed her. When I walked in, that’s when I saw him.

          He was tall and had the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever seen. His brown hair was messy but it looked good on him. He was wearing baggy jeans and a black v-neck and a jacket. Oh boy! He was hot. After I stopped checking his out, I reached my hand out to shake his.

          “Hey, I’m Charlotte.”

“I know who you are. I’m Collin.” He grinned at me.

          “Well Collin, you have your roster. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask myself or Charlotte.” Mrs. Aveen said cheerfully.

          “Will do.” Collin winked at her and I chuckled at his gesture. Collin and I walked to homeroom. I sat down and Collin sat next to me. Joe walked up to Collin and I.

          “Hello. I’m Mr. Benzoli, your homeroom and English teacher. Um, if you need any help, just ask me.” Joe said.

          “Thanks Mr. Benzoli, but this sweetheart already was volunteered to help me out.” Collin said. He winked at me and I blushed immediately. Joe cleared his throat loudly and a little obnoxiously.

          “Well again, if you need something, I’m sure a teacher’s help would be better than any student’s.” Joe walked back to his desk after that harsh statement.

          The rest of the school day went by rather quickly. We, of course, had one more class to go to and that was English. Collin and I were talking and every time Joe saw us, he would call on me. He was really getting on my nerves. I waited, and waited for the bell to ring and it finally did. I rushed out of the classroom.

          Collin was really sweet and funny and not to mention, cute. I was getting to know him really well. He always walked home with Harry and I now.

Over the past few weeks, Collin and I have become really good friends. He would always come over after school. Walk to and from school with Harry and I too. I felt a little guilty though because I kept blowing Joe off to hang out with Collin. I decided I would try to make things right with Joe instead of ignoring him all of the time.

          It was the next day of school. The homeroom was empty but Joe was sitting at his desk grading papers. I walked in and closed the door behind me. He looked up at me, and then continued grading his papers.

          “Hey.” I said trying to avoid being awkward.

“Hello.” He said not looking at me.

          “I was wondering if you wanted to do something after school.”

“I’m busy.”

          “Joe, what’s going on?”

“Nothing. Everything’s peachy.” He said sarcastically putting on a fake smile. He finally looked up at me.

          “I’m sorry that I’ve been blowing you off lately. Forgive me?” I asked sweetly. He ignored me. I just rolled my eyes and sat down in my desk. I was so pissed at him.

          The day was really long and boring. Collin and I were walking to English class. We sat in our seats and Joe kept glaring at Collin. I got bored so I decided to go to the bathroom. I came back about five minutes later and I saw Harry and Collin talking. Harry was cracking up and Collin was blushing a lot. As I walked to my desk, I looked over at Joe. And if looks could kill, I would be dead. Twice.

          I avoided his death stare and sat back down. Right when I sat down, the boys stopped talking immediately. I brushed off the weirdness. The day was really strange so when the bell rang, I ran out of the classroom immediately. I walked home and my mom was surprisingly there. I walked up to her and she was sitting at a stool in the kitchen crying.

          “Ma, what’s going on?” I asked rushing to her side.

“Your father.....” was all she could say. I froze. All of these thoughts came popped in my head. “Charlotte, he’s coming home.” She smiled in between sniffles. I gasped and jumped into her arms. We both cried tears of joy. I couldn’t believe I was going to him again.

          “Mom, when’s he coming?”

“In a month.” She said, tears of joy falling down her cheek. I nodded. I was just about to respond but my phone buzzed. I went in my phone to see who it was from. It was a text from Joe.

‘Come to my apartment NOW!’ I was confused at his text, but I decided I would go.

          “Mom, I can’t wait. Look, I would stay, buy my friend needs me.” I said.

“Is it your boyfriend? Why haven’t I met him yet? Are you two serious?”

          “Yes it’s him, and you’ll meet him soon I guess.” I spit out quickly.

“So are you serious?” she asked with a small smile.

          “Yeah- yeah. I think so.”

“Well whoever he is, don’t be afraid to introduce me. If he makes you happy, then I’m okay with him.” She gave me a reassuring smile. I hugged her and left. I ran out the door and into my car. I arrived to his apartment rather quickly. I went in the building and walked up the stairs. I approached his door and knocked on the door.

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