Havent update sorry.. Peace...
Some of you probably are Christians, But their are different types of Christians..
One is the Christian Followers, Christian for Perfection, Bitter Christians and lastly, Christian visitors.
Do you know the difference? Probably no.. But here is it.
Christian Followers are the Christians who go to church every sunday, living through God's words and accepted God as their savior. There christianity reflects on the action they commit in their lives such as sharing God's words, helping people, doing what is right and very faithful to God. Examples are Jesus' Disciples. Such as Peter, John and Nathaniel.
Christians Perfections are almost like Christian followers BUT!!!!! They only share God's word but those words don't reflect on their actions. For example God says "Don't say Bad words". You said yourself that you are a Christian but in those Dirty words you spoke (Even if its only Fudging, Duck, or any bad words that has nicknames, It doesn't really change you know? Even if its not the Bad word anymore but the meaning is still their. So it is still a Bad word.) you yourself isn't following the laws of God. These Christians read the bible, they share his words and worship him but God's words doesn't reflect on your action, you are not yet a full Christian at Heart. Another one!!! These types of Christians are also the people who use God as Perfection! I did this once but I change my ways. Using God for yourself is Bad. Remember that.. Most do this. They are some Christians who are very good on Devotion but the words that came out on their mouth doesn't reflect on their actions. These Kinds of christians can easily lost their faith.
Christian Visitors!!!! Who are they? They are the people who go to church but they dont listen to the words of God. They will just go to church sit like the others and.. Nothing.. Just visiting dont mind meh! These are the most stupid reasons for a Christian to reason. Srsyly!!! Well they are people who visit churches but after that, they gain nothing coz they didn't listen.. They just visited.. They are also the Christians who doesn't really listen to God and go to church seldom times. They aren't that faithful.
Bitter Christians!!!!! These Christians were Baptized as Christians but they act like Athiest. When you share God's words to them, they would say "Shut up!! (Insert a bad word)". I hate these people. They keep shutting God in their just because of their Excuses. And when they go to church, they would say "BORING!!".. Lucky I dont curse now or else I would say the F word to who ever says that. They are people who shut God, think of his words are boring and Believers but not truly believing. These People doesnt goes to church and hates reading the bible. Yes they are baptized as a baby but they never truly became a child of God by heart. I pray for people like this. Usually they use their excuses to shut God. Sigh...
Now I shall ask you.. Which are you in the 4? Are you contented on what you are on God's relationship?
If you arent.. Here are some Advises to change. These arent mine. These came from Pastor Ronald Molmisa.
> Decide to Change- Not just because you are force, but because you are willing to be a better person for Jesus.
>Get Rid of your Excuses- THESE ARE FOR THE BITTER CHRISTIANS AND CHRISTIANS FOR PERFECTION!!! Yeah.. Get rid of those, that will only shut your hope of. Remember people who are willing have ways but those who doesn't have excuses. Get rid of those and see if it gets easy,
Stories with Christ (one shot)
SpiritualHey guys.. I made some short stories about God and I think you should read this. I hope you like it.