Weeks later

275 14 19

Jody's pov

So I never did find out what that light was about from a while ago on the map, but it's ok it was probably nothing.

No one has really herd from Tomahawk lately but it's ok.

But lately I've been feeling wired , my back has been killing.

I hold , my head in my hands as my head pounds
I need some fresh air
I decide to go to the roof

I walk up and smell the air

That sweet city air, am I right????
I walk up and stand on the edge of the roof.
I hold my arms out and do a kiing of the world pose.
It feels good
The wind flys throw my short brown hair .
But then I feel a really bug gust of wind come and in seconds I fall of the ledge and into the air

I panic

I'm gonna die

I fall and fall

I see the ground getting closer

But then I swop up and start going up
"What th heck" I say as I look around and see I'm fly
I look at see wings in my back

I panic and fly onto the roof

I kinda crash land ,and jump to my feet
But when I look at my back I see no sight of those wings
"What the heck" I catch my breath

What even was that
I ask in my head as I catch my breath.

"I need to know what the heck that was" I say as I get up and charge for the edge .
I run and jump off the edge

I fall into the air then start to fall
I panic but then I swop up and I fly up . I look down and see I'm in a cool red outfit (look at cover of chapter and that's Jody)

I fly to the roof and land. I look at this suit, it's cool, red and leather. I put the hood on then feel I have a mask on , it's small but cool. I also have a sack for arrows .
"Nice" I say as I pull out a wired sick thing. I press a button and it extends into a bow.
"Cool" I say as I grab an arrow

It was late at night so I decided to have some fun with this.
I shot arrows at the empty road under me.

I fly around for a little then went back to the roof
Then it all just diapered.
I shrugged then went back to the room with the map.

H's pov

It's been a while sense we kicked Tomahawk and ever sense we did I've been feeling wired.

I tossed and turned late in bed and couldn't sleep.
The light from the full moon shined in my room and bugged my eyes.

I feel out of bed and I held my head in my hands .

I had a massive headache.

I w,all outside and get some fresh air.

I breath in the fresh cool Chicago air .
Then feel a great power come over me. I run my eyes then feel my body ache.
I fall to the ground in pain and curl into a ball.
I try to hold back toe screams but I can't .

It was minutes later when I felt like the pain left my body. I opened my eyes and saw the big full moon in the sky.
I moaned then saw my hands.......


They are paws

What the hell

I get up , but I can only walk on all fours

Ok something is wrong with me. I walk up to the glass of my back door and see .....

A wolf . I jump back , but then realize that's my reflection . I let out a small whimper , realizing I can talk.

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