
90 11 3

Stacy's pov

me and graser finish up his video when he puts his arm around my shoulder.

there was a minute of silence until our lips met.

We kissed for a couple moments when the door burst open.

We quickly came a[art and saw Devon standing in the door way to Graser's room.

"Oh sorry guys" Devon apologies.

"What is it" Graser moans.

"Come down stairs, you'll want to see this" Devon tells us as he motions his hand for us to follow him, then he quickly leaves and walks back down stairs.

"Come on my ugly robot, lets go see what the commotion is all about" I tell Graser as i grab his hand and stand up , off the bed. "Come on" I tell him as he stands up beside me and when make our way down stairs to join the others.

We get down stairs and see everyone around the tv.

"what's going on" Graser asks as he lets go of my hand and walks up to see what's on tv.

"Well you herd it right people, over night we got a shocking amount of snow , leaving some residents snowed in, sadly the convention currently going on known as Pax is currently closed becasue of weather hazards. please stay inside until further notice" The news lady informs us of the news as it goes to commercial .

"So we're snowed in" Bee asks.

"Looks like it" Parker tells us.

"So pax is off" H mumbles.

"It is, and we can't go home because all the flights are closed" Jordan complains.

"So what do we do now that we're snowed in" Ryan asks.

"We can have a water fight" Rusher exclaims as he quickly pours a cup of water in Ryan.

But the water didn't hit him.

Instead it floated above his head. Then it flu back at rusher. He lets out a small manly Yelp as it just him.

"Don't mess with a guy who can control water" Ryan says as he puts his attentions back on to his phone.

"Guys it's official, we are snowed in" Tomahawk tells us as he points to the window revealing all the snow outside.

"So we're stuck here" Jody says

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