Time to fly

130 11 12

Jody's pov

Today is the day of Pax. I'm only working a half day at shield so I can go catch my plan at 3.

I walk down a long hall way then run into my boss.
"Agent Jody, on your vacation I need you to watch out of any, powered people. And tell us immediately" He Tells me. I nod then keep walking. That's the thing I'm scared of, shield takes any powered people they see, just Because they don't understand there powers. So I haven't told them about my new powers. I started to get nervous as I walk into my office, where the map of the world is. I sat down and looked at my phone.
H: See you at the air port
Joe: ok see you H da bomb
I giggle at my joke
Oh snap o forgot abut the trip I need to go home, grab my bags and meet H at the air port.
I grab my purse, walk out of my office and lock the door behind me. I wave goodbye to my boss, he gives me a stern nod , then I rush off to my house to get my bags.

Poke's pov

I get into my uber and swipe out my phone.
And text Joe(tofu gaming)
Poke: Joe can't talk I'll see you at Pax
Joe: ok good luck with handling your powers on the flight , i know you've practically mastered them but.... Never mind can't wait to see you there!!!

I smile as I put my phone back into my pocket.

Then when we reach the airport I pay the uber guy , grab my bags, then head off. I go throw the big doors and into the huge airport. I do all the security stuff the go and seat down to wait for H and Jody. They are taking the same flight so they'll be here soon.

I take out my phone and start playing injustice.

Stacy's pov

I grab my bags, say good bye to the dogs , then open my door. But I quickly remember my ears and my hat on. My tail was hidden so no one will see it. I sigh as I walk out of my house and make my way to the airport.

Graser's pov

I open my eyes and see my alarm clock.
"Oh my god I'm gonna miss my plan" I exclaim as I jump out of bed and start to run but trip and fall, then I noticed I'm still plugged in.
Sense I'm a robot I need to charge to stay awake. My battery lasts for a long time but I wanted to charge it up so I don't have to do it that often at Pax.
I unplug the cord from my leg, then unplug it from the wall and toss it into my bag. Then run, grab some breakfast and go to the airport.

Thank god I was able to slip by the security guards because I wanted to not do the metal check. Because if I did that thing wouldn't stop beeping because I'm all metal.
Yeah I'd probably get handed over to shield or even worse.
I sigh of relief as I take my seat in the waiting area, then I cringe when I hear the speaker call my flight. I sigh when the speaker call ends. My hearing has been kinda sensitive every since I became a robot. But I can handle it. I grab my bag then make my way down the long white tub.
Then I get into the plan, find my seat. Grab my phone, plug my ear buds in . And start playing games.

Brayden's pov

I hear my annoying alarm clock go off
I moan and roll over in bed
I slammed my hand down on to the alarms clock, breaking it with my strength.
I laugh a little as I slowly get out of bed. I walk down stairs and see Ryan fully dressed and ready to go. "Rusher hurry up we're going to miss our flight" he tells me. "Oh crap I forgot" I say as I rush upstairs and grab my bags, throw on some cloths. Then meet Ryan down stairs. "Now before we go, please don't tell anyone about our new, powers, tell them about yours I don't care , but please unless you have to, don't tell them about me, ok" he begs me. "Oh my god, I won't tell anyone" I moan. "Ok good" he smiles as we walk out the door.

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