Fuck School

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I have been sick for, this is what? The fourth day I believe. I have missed way too much school to catch up for a while. I have my homeroom teacher, who is the best teacher ever, she knows I'm sick and is giving me until next Friday to finish a couple pages of a book and a small report. I have my bitchy teacher who wants me to do it all on Monday and gives no fucks. And lastly, the worst teacher ever, she said I was just going to get incomplete on every assignment bc she doesn't want me to have to do all of it and bc she doesn't want to grade it.

And then we have other problems, like the fact that my school system is fucked and that I am like, four months younger than SpidesSlick yet I still fall behind school deadlines for shit so I must be one grade below her. The school system is absolute shit. So now the only way to ever be able to at least graduate College with her, is for her to not go to College right after she graduates High School and wait one year for me. (I don't want her to do that though.)

In the end, just, fuck school. (Don't literally fuck school though...)

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