Chapter Five

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"Can I say that I was here to see you?"

I roll my eyes at him then lean into the doorway. I gave him a questionable look, then wait for him to make a better excuse.

"Okay you caught me. I came to warn you about Skyler. I can promise you he is not who you think he is."

"Look Dylan, thanks for looking out for me. But I'm not a little girl, I can take care of myself. Plus, I know we had a past together but I sure as hell won't listen to you."

I started to close the door then crossed my fingers hoping he lets it go. Yet fate is not on my side today. He puts his foot in between the door to stop it.

"Please let me in Lace."

I sigh then slowly open the door, he grins towards me and steps in. This is the first time in years he has stepped foot in this house.

"Hmm... Things haven't changed that much. Anywho, what do you want to do?"

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, what does he mean by this? I send him a questionably look, waiting for answers.

"We are spending the day together, whenever you want to or not."

I raise an eyebrow towards him then shrug my shoulders. I twist my body around and trudge back upstairs, I hear faint footsteps following me.

I turn into my room then sprawl out onto my bed. He leans into the doorway and watches me with a amused eyes. I then pat the spot next to me.

"Wanna watch Netflix?"

He nods his head at me then my grin spreads wider than the Cheshire Cats.I would put him to shame.

"So is this like a 'Netflix and Chill' or is this going to be 'Amazon Prime and Sexy time'?"

He asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him then punched him in the stomach.

"No idiotic comments or you have no say on what we watch. Wait. This is my house, nevermind. You don't have a say in it."

He opened his mouth to respond to me, I placed my finger on his lips silencing him. When I was satisfied with him not speaking, I started to scroll through the selections.

Let me see what we got here... Arrow, Daredevil, Gotham, Flash.... WAIT!? They added Flash already!? I clicked on Flash for the first episode.

My finger dropped from Dylan's mouth then I snuggles closer to my pillow, then started watching the tv.

One Episode Later~

"OH MY GOD. How dare they end the episode like that!? Dylan, get the next episode ready! I'm going to get snacks! Now chop-chop!"

I hop out of bed crawling over Dylan then run down the stairs. I quickly open up the cabinet and rummage through all the food looking for my favorite snack. Candy.

Now you may think, 'Hey! What a odd snack!' Then I will think, 'Did I ask? Um no. So shoo away, freaking peasant."

I grab a handful of candy, a bag of Doritos, Nutella, and two Dr. Peppers. Then I make a beeline upstairs, I quickly run up the stairs taking two at a time. I quickly run into my doorway then jump onto my bed.

"Press play now!" I yell at him as I shove a vanilla flavored tootsie roll in my mouth.

"Jeez, you could have asked politely." He mumbles underneath his breath. I glare at him, then swat him in the back of the head.

"Fuck! Why would you do that for!?" I giggle at him, he grips the back of his head and massages it a little bit.

"Aww. Is little Dylan-Poo hurt? Do you want me to kiss the boo-boo?" As soon as I finished the sentence I burst out into a laughing spree.

I glance up after I contain my laughter to notice that he isn't cradling his head anymore. But that he is looking at me with a unknown emotion and amusement evident in his eyes.

"Well if you want to kiss it, then I won't stop you."

"Damn, cocky bastard." I mumble underneath my breath.

"I heard that."

"Congratulations, your freaking ears work."

"Ha ha. You're hilarious Lacey, now shut up and watch the show."

I didn't argue this time, because honestly I wanted to know what happens.

Four Episodes Later~
"This show is going to be the death of me I swear."

"Who's your favorite character so far and why?"

"My favorite characters so far have to be Barry and Cisco. Barry for one using his powers to help others, and him being just god. Cisco with his wacky names for Meta-Humans, and his hilariously cute self."

"My favorite is Harrison Wells and Cisco. Harrison Wells for him being mysterious yet he still pulls you in because you want to know his entire story. And then Cusco for being, well himself."

"Nicely said Dylan, nicely said."

I pause the tv and lay down on my pillow and close my eyes. If only I lived in the universe of Flash... Life would be so much easier...

"Laceeeeeeee! Guess what!" I groan once I realize who's voice it is.

"I'm up here Brandi-Poo!" I hear the footsteps of his feet on the stairs coming closer with his pace.

"I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Do you think I honestly listen?"

The door to my bedroom opens revealing Brandon with a humongous grin on his face. Then he directs his gaze on the person beside me, the grin drops from his face.

He looks towards me with a questioning look, his eyes containing surprise and danger. I shake my head at him to signal I will tell him later.

"Okay since she will tell me what happens later, being the handsome brother I am, I need to give you something."

Give him something? That's odd. What would he want to give him?

"What do you mean- Brandon, don't."

"Sorry Lace, he deserves it."

Before I could respond to him, he punched Dylan straight in the face. I gasped after the impact hit him, then my hands jumped up into action. I cradled his head as I shot a disapproving look.

Brandon shrugged his shoulders and walked out of my room, "Oh and Dylan hurt my sister again you will regret it. I dare you. And Lace we need to talk later!"

"I definitely deserved that." I quickly get him up and lead him into the bathroom to examine the puncture. It's already starting to turning a darker Crimson.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't expect it to be that bad..." I finish trailing off.

He pulls my hands off his face into his, then smiles at me.

"This is nothing, I have been through worse. Like when I lost you."

And I'm done. :3 Soooo, yeah... I'm just gonna go... Yeah... Bye...

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