Chapter Three

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We had finally reached the classroom for Biology. His hand still had a firm hold on my own. I was scared out of my mind. However, I just gave up on trying to escape. His grasp was too difficult to get out of. Also for some reason, I kind of like it.

I think it's because I never really knew what it was like to touch a guy. So I guess I'm just insanely curious to see what it was like. Just because of that one stupid reason, I was unable to let go.

I smiled to myself, so this was what it was like to hold a boys hand. His were so incredibly soft and warm. That annoyed me to the core because that just made it even more difficult to get away. My mind was telling me to run but my heart was telling me to stay. My mother always said to follow your heart, so that was what I was doing.

Surely nothing was wrong with holding hands with someone you don't even know, right? He seems harmless enough even if he does give me the creeps.

We were standing right in the door. The entire class looked up at our interlocked fingers. They all smirked as Rayne walked me to my seat. All eyes were on me the entire time. Rayne's hand finally let go of mine as he went to his seat. Which happened to be two desks behind me.

My friend looked over at me, "Since when did this happen, Sav?"

I glared at my desk, "Since when did what happen? We are not in a relationship. He's just some obsessive weirdo."

All of my earlier thoughts completely vanished. What on earth was I thinking back there? He could be a rapist for all I know! I glared at the worksheet that was set out in front of me.

"Alright everyone, find a partner and get to work!" Our teacher yelled out.

"Sav! Saaav! Let's be partners!" An all too familiar voice yelled out happily. "Unless you feel otherwise." Rayne's voice became dark and creepy.

"U-uh, no it's fine." I spoke in a barely audible whisper.


I grabbed our worksheet and headed to his desk. What we had to do was fairly simple.

"So what are we doing, Savvy?" Rayne questioned. Oh great he gave me a pet name. I barely even know the dude and now he's acting like we're in a lovey dovey relationship.

"Well basically, the teacher will give us a sheep's heart and we need to disect it. Then we need to write down our results into a table on this sheet." I explained holding up our worksheet.

"Ooooh! Bloood! I love this type of stuff Savvy! Can I rip it apart?" He cheered.

I stared wide eyed at him. Is this guy serious? He can't be. He must have some serious mental illnesses because he seems a bit wacko if you ask me.

"Alright then, let's get started." I handed him a scalpel.

When the teacher gave us our sheep heart he instantly began ripping into it like a maniac. I grabbed his wrist suddenly, slightly trembling. He quit abruptly looking at me with concern.

"Savvy? Are you okay? What's wrong? You need me to take you to the nurse? Do you have a fever? What is the ma-"

"W-we can't just tear it however we want. We need to o-observe and write down our fin-findings."

My hand traveled to his hand and I carefully took the scapel and showed him how to do it. He nodded his head and let a few "mhms" as I explained the process to him.

"Rayne, I'll let you try... j-just don't do what you did just then." My voice gradually getting quieter as I spoke.

Rayne looked at me sadly, "Savvy, did I scare you? I'm sorry! I'll stop I promise."

I nodded my head as I looked at the ground, with my hair falling around my face. He put his hand under my chin slowly lifting my face so I could see him. He smiled at me warmly, "Don't worry Savvy! I'll protect you no matter what. So you don't need to be scared of me. I would never hurt you."

I smiled half heartily, "That's a relief."

Rayne embraced me in a warm hug which I begrudgingly accepted. I still don't trust this guy... Why do I not believe what he told me?


We finally finished without anymore of Rayne's episodes of insanity. He waved his hand around in the air, "Teacher! Ohh teacher!

The teacher sweat dropped before stomping over. "Yes?"

"We have finished." He gave the teacher our assignment. He quickly glanced over it, making sure we did actually finish it.

"Good work you two, feel free to do whatever you want. Except for any making out or you know..." He rubbed his head shivering noticeably.

"Yes sir." Rayne saluted.

He turned to me quickly, "Hey Savvy, let's cuddle!"

I waved my hands out in front of me shaking my head, "No, no, no, t-that's okay!"

Rayne seemed disappointed but he quickly shook it off, "Well then what would you like to do?"

I yawned tiredly and mumbled, "Sleep." I fell into his chest without me realizing it and let out a huge yawn. Rayne chuckled before sitting in the back of the room with me sitting in front of him. My back was on his chest and I was snoozing on him. I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and a head nuzzle in my neck.

This is felt amazing, but I couldn't quite remember who was behind me due to my exhaustion.

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