Extra Chapter (Short)

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I stood in front of the pearly gates with Rayne by my side. We walked through them hand in hand. We were both in white tunics with golden sandals. Beautiful white wings sprouted from our backs. Rayne looked utterly gorgeous and from the look on his face I looked the same.

We stood in a line as other angels who just lost their lifes waited to be let in. Rayne squeezed my hand and I saw my family at the other end of the huge room waiting for me. I smiled with joy as I saw them looking around for me.

"Savannah White and Rayne Summers, please come this way." A beautiful angel led us over to my family. I let go of Rayne's hand and ran to them. I engulfed my mom and dad with a hug and they laughed and hugged me back.

"I finally get to be with you guys again." I cried tears of joy.

Suddenly God himself appeared in front of me and my parents smiled at me.

"No you don't Savannah. Yourself and Rayne's time isn't up yet."

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