Chapter Thirteen

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My fingers fell asleep while I was writing this chapter xc


Rayne sighed after I fell backwards. He crouched down and held his hand out to help me up. I lifted my hand and slowly wrapped my fingers around his hand. He pulled me back to my feet and I stood up shakily. I looked at the floor and my fringe covered my eyes.

"What's wrong Sav?" Rayne questioned with a hint of worry in his voice.

Guilt built up in my chest as I felt tears sting my eyes, "I-I had no idea you had to go through all of that. I'm sorry for making you have to explain all of that to me. It was none of my business and I made you tell me."

Rayne wrapped his arms around me as his face nuzzled my neck, "It's not your fault Sav, I wanted to tell you eventually and I'm glad I finally did. After all that my demon has put you through it's the least I can do."

I kept quiet and I felt him place a small kiss on my neck. I wonder how much time I have left before his demon eliminates all of my friends. I don't have to worry about family anymore because they're all dead now.

He pulls away and tells me to get ready for the day because he wanted to take me somewhere. I walked back to the guest room and shut the huge double doors behind me. I walked over to the mirror and sighed, I looked like a mess.

I walked to the wardrobe and chose out a simple floral dress and some white flats. I quickly changed out of my nightgown and into the outfit I chose out. After that I did everything I needed to in the bathroom.

I walked back to the main living room and sat waiting for Rayne. I fiddled with my fingers as my thoughts drifted back to what Rayne had told me earlier. I have to admit, I felt really bad even if he put me through a lot. I can't put the blame on him though, it was the demon inside of him that was causing all of the issues I've been having.

Rayne walked in wearing a red flannel shirt and black skinny jeans. It was a little odd, I don't see many people in Japan wearing that. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up off of the couch "Let's get going."

He led me out of his house and through the forest. He brought me deeper than I've ever gone into that forest. Eventually we were at an old warehouse that looked like no one has stepped foot in it in a thousand years.

He pulled the main door open and held it open for me. I walked through, curiosity filled my veins and something felt a little off about this place.

Rayne turned on the lights and I was temporarily blinded before my eyes adjusted to the light. Once I saw what was inside the room my hand went to my mouth. The walls and floor was caked in blood. I felt a gag but I squeezed my thumb and it went away.

I quickly turned to him, "Why'd you bring me here?"

Rayne's eyes were emotionless and he looked at the ground, "It's where my parents used to experiment on demon children like myself."

I was shocked and I took another look around. Tables were covered in lab equipment and test tubes with very old mixtures inside of them. I never realized how much this place stunk until now. I squeezed my nose with my fingers, "Where you experimented on?" My voice sounded like Kermit the Frog because I was plugging my nose.

Rayne shook his head, "No, They didn't believe in experimenting on their own child. Even if they did hate me. However they forced me to watch them torture my friends and strangers. It was awful."

I looked back at him and he was gritting his teeth and balling his fist, "I'm glad I killed them, they were more of a monster than whatever is locked up inside of me."

"Rayne... I-"

"Please don't give me your pity, it makes me feel even worse."

I kept my mouth shut after that and frowned. I began to walk around. I picked up one of the tests tubes and held it up to my nose. I had a coughing fit after sniffing it, it smelt awful!

"I wouldn't do that, if a regular mortal breathed in even a molecule of some of those... well... their brain would dissolve." He said that so normally... his usual self would run up to me and make sure I was alright. Something is going on with him... I decided to ask him what was wrong.

"R-Rayne, what's wrong? You seem really different." My eyes softened at the sight of him.

He bit his lip, "Now that you know who I am, do you hate me?"

"Well, I don't hate you because you haven't done anything wrong. It's only your demon that's causing all of this. However I was upset with everything and I felt a little anger towards you but I don't hate you."

He nods his head and looks into my eyes. He walked over towards me and placed both hands on my cheeks. His pulled my head a little closer and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry, I don't want you to be angry with me."

I blushed, "I forgive you, I'm not angry with you anymore."

He smiled at me lovingly, "Good, I'm glad."

Suddenly a bunch of figures erupted from the shadows, "Well isn't this sweet."

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