Chapter Five

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More Raynee :D


I shakily got up to my feet, 'What was with that dream?' I wondered to myself. If the Rayne I know is anything like the Rayne in the dream, well... I wouldn't be suprised. I splashed my face with water from the sink.

The door to the bathroom opened, "Sav there you are! The entire class is on a hunt for you! You've missed lunch and half of the fifth period!"

"What? I'm sorry I fell asleep I'm coming now!"

As I was walking with my friends the feeling of someone watching me returned and it was even more unsettling than before. I guess it was because of my nightmare of Rayne. I clenched my fingers together tightly, I freaking hate him.

One of my friends turned around to face me, "You know, when you didn't return Rayne started acting all weird. He started pointing fingers and blaming everyone for doing something to you. He actually threatened to kill a couple of people as well. He must really like you, no guy I know would give death threats to other people because his girlfriend was gone for a hour. Seriously Sav, I think he's too attached to you, just dump him he'll only just make your life miserable. The guy is almost obsessed and that can't be healthy.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, we are not a couple guys! He just thinks we are because he's a delusional creep. Second, I wish I could get rid of him but he's like a gnat. No matter how much you swat and curse at it, it continues to swarm around you."

They nodded their heads in approval to my response, finally deciding to let the subject go.

I realized that I had to see him again. I can't deal with him right now, everytime I think of him I think of that horrid dream. I wonder if he's really like that in real life... Once again, I wouldn't be suprised if he was. Considering how much he stalks me and how he brutally ripped into that sheep heart.


As we approached the classroom I kept my head down so I wouldn't have to look at him. Me and my two friends walked in and it was dead silent. All you could hear was the sound of our shoes hitting the tile floor.

They both led me to my seat and I sat. My head was still low, it would be amazing if he still wasn't in here... Maybe I should check to see. I slowly began to lift my head and I was face to face with Rayne. He was looking straight into my eyes. I squeezed my eyelids shut and that horrible dream began replaying my mind. Instinctively I shoved Rayne and he fell backwards on his butt. He landed on the floor with a thud.

He looked up at me with a smirked and a crazy look in his eyes. He turned towards the teacher, "Sir, may my dear Savvy and I be excused?"

The teacher kind of flopped his hand at us and his face was buried in a book, "Yeah, yeah whatever."

Rayne got up from his spot and the floor, grabbed my wrist and yanked me up. He dragged me out of the classroom. I just went in there as well... what a drag. He pulled me into the same hallway that I hid from him in.

He was still gripping my wrist tightly, "Let me go!" I yanked my hand from him and cradled it, that hurt...

He stared at me for awhile before scowling at me, "You know Sav, I feel really unappreciated! I've been trying my very hardest to express my undying love for you. But you go and tell me to get out of your life! That's like telling me to die Sav! I already let you off the hook once but now there will be punishments I guarantee it."

I began crying, "P-please don't k-kill anyone I'm close to! I'm sorry! I'll never do it again! Just p-please... Don't hurt anyone."

I gripped his shirt and cried into it. However, unlike his usual self, his arms hung to the side. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me with emotionless eyes. Oh crap... I really messed up this time.

"Tsk tsk tsk, but you see Sav, it's too late I had one of my acquaintances handle it. So your punishment has already commenced and there's no way I can stop it." He explained to me like I was a baby.

"W-What did you do?" I stuttered fearfully.

He grinned from ear to ear, "Well, lets just say you will definitely be in for a suprise when you get home my dear Savvy."

My eyes widened, "If this is anything like that dream I had earlier... I will never forgive you."

"But if you don't I will continue your punishments and you mean that dream of me slaying your mother? Haha!"

I backed away and bumped into the wall. He put both of his hands on both sides of my head. "How did you know about that?" I questioned.

His finger trailed down the side of my face then across my bottom lip, "That's a secret."

I felt another tear escape from my eye and he licked it away, "There's nothing to be afraid of, I already told you that I would never hurt you did I?"

Suddenly a teacher saw the two of us, "HEY! No making out in the hallways!" We were then forced to go back to our class. I didn't want to go home because of the fear of seeing what he made his 'friend' do to my family...

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