Chapter Eleven

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As we were walking back to Rayne's house he insisted on taking me on a date. I of course, tried to get out of it. Rayne was persistent though, he really wanted to take me on a date because he felt like he owed me after he tried to murder me. He gave me the puppy eyes and I couldn't say no. So here we are at a fancy restaurant on a boat streaming down the river.

"W-Wow Rayne, this is actually really nice." I was thinking he'd take me into the woods and we'd kill people together or something. I most certainly did not expect this kind of date from him.

"Thank you! I wanted the best for my girlfriend after all!" Wait... did he just say, GIRLFRIEND?!

"Uh Rayne, Since when have I been your girlfriend?" Seriously, he's still as delusional as always.

"When you agreed to going on a date with me of course! What friends go on dates? None! Only boyfriend and girlfriend go on dates!"

"B-But what if I'm not ready for a boyfriend?"

"You are, and you will be my girlfriend or more bad things will happen to you. Kay?"

This guy terrifies me... I slowly nodded my head in response. Looks like I have no other choice but to be his girlfriend. Rayne just nodded back with a satisfied smile on his idiotic face. He really ticks me off. I huffed at him leaning back in my chair.

Little did I know that this date would turn into something bad.


My eyes widened at the assortment of food in front of me. It all looks so delicious! I've been waiting all night to finally get my hands on a decent meal. I hovered over my food and my fingers were twitching. I had a weird smile on my face. It all looked to good!

As I was about to dig in the police rushed onto the deck we were on. They started showing around a photo of the old Rayne. I looked at him with wide eyes. I had to admit, I certainly was not expecting this to come up. Rayne grabbed my hand and we ducked under the table before anyone could notice us.

"Oh crap Savvy, we really need to get out of here." He look extremely worried.

"But, what about your look? You changed it didn't you?"

"Yes but you haven't and you were there when it happened! If they see you and start to question you, they might figure out that I'm the guy they're looking for!"

"...Alright then let's get out of here!"

We crawled on the floor trying our best to not bump into other people's legs. This is crazy, what kind of date turns into this? Of course right when we reached the end I just happened to accidentally bump someone's leg.

The lady who's leg I touched shreiked, "Oh my gosh! Something touched my leg! Something touched my leeeeg!"

Rayne and I looked at each other, both of our expressions said one word, run. Hell broke loose after that, we rushed around like mice under the tables. We bumped into so many legs and everyone started screaming and running around like lunatics.

"There's something under the table!"

"Kill it! Throw it over board!"


I had to stop for a moment and slap my hands over my ears. This was all too much, I'm going insane from all of this noise. Rayne suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me out from under the table and we began to sprint towards the exit.

We were almost there, I was sure we would make it. I was wrong, one of the servers was standing in the door way.

"Oh no you don't, I know you two are behind this. I can't just let you leave."

I frantically tried to come up with a solution out of this mess but nothing came to mind. However, my psychopathic superman saved the day. Rayne held out a hundred dollar bill. The server's eyes widened and you could even see little cash signs in them.

The greedy server snatched the money from Rayne and began doing a creepy dance. He held the bill up like it was his prized possession and began to sing to it. I grabbed Rayne's hand and pulled him out of there.

Luckily for us, the ship was already at the dock. We sprinted off of the ship and down the streets. I then got the most unexpected thought. That was actually fun! Then something even more unexpected happened, I began to laugh.

Rayne looked at me weirdly, "What are you laughing at?"

I kept laughing, "That was great, truly amazing! I want to do it again!"

Rayne arched his eyebrow at me before he started to chuckle. That night was probably one of my best dates. Even if I haven't been on very many and the guy I shared it with was mental in the head. I didn't care, I would do it again any day.


The very night that I had been so happy turned into me being incredibly lonely and upset. I laid in my bed, silently crying over all the people I have lost recently. I couldn't bear the pain in my chest. I would do anything to have all of my friends and family back.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, silently crying. Even if Rayne had just taken me on the best date ever, I will never forgive him. I will get my revenge, I will show him the pain I'm going through. All I needed to do was figure out who his family was...

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