Chapter Seven

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This is more of a lovey-dovey chappy ^~^ Probably the only lovey-dovey chappy in the whole book though. So enjoy it ;D


Sirens started blaring throughout the entire street, most likely here because of what Rayne did to my mother and I was hugging him, I was hugging a murderer. He picked me up bridal style and he ran out of the back door into the woods. He most likely ran because he didn't want to get caught by the police.

My hands were on his chest and I hid my face in it letting the tears overtake me again. He looked down at me sympathetically while his thumb gently rubbed against my shoulder as he was carrying me. He didn't seemed bothered by me being in his arms, I thought I would be kind of heavy for him. He's not exactly buff, he's more skinny.

We stopped in front of an old mansion. I've wondered through these woods a million times and I've never seen this place. It was hidden pretty well because of all the trees. I knew straight away this is were he lived. He carried me inside and I was blasted in the face with the smell of vanilla. Compared to the outside the inside was amazing and clean. I would have never guess because the outside looked like crap.

He carried me into his huge living room. The wall's were a dark brown and it had wooden floors. It had one big plush couch that wrapped around the room and a fireplace in the middle of the wall with a T.V. situated above it. One thing weirded me out though, it was a painting on the far left wall that was covered with a white sheet. I decided to let it be for now.

Rayne sat down on the couch with me in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and burried his face in my neck. My eyes widened, "W-what are you doing?"

I felt my neck becoming more and more wet. Was he... crying? I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, unsure of what to do. I felt and heard him sniffle, "R-Rayne what's wrong?"

I felt his warm breaths on my neck before his looked up at me. I had to hold my mouth shut or else it would drop to the ground. He was gorgeous when he cried... It made his deep green eyes sparkle and made them pop out even more. Wait what am I thinking? He's a killer!

"I-I killed your whole family... You probably hate me. I-I couldn't control myself, I just wanted to keep you to myself and I felt like they were taking you from me. I don't want to keep doing this to you but I know I will continue until everyone you know is dead. Then you'll for sure hate me and then I'll have nothing to live for. Savvy, I need you."

He'll continue killing everyone I know until all I have left is him? I have no idea how I'll ever deal with this, I'm stuck with him and I can't get rid of him. But he sounded really regretful and upset about the whole thing. Maybe... maybe I can stop him, maybe he'll do anything I say because he loves me so much.

He was still looking at me with those beautiful eyes. Suddenly I did the unexpected, I pecked his lips. "I-It's okay Rayne, I-I'll get you to stop when the time comes."

He shook his head, "You can't, when I go crazy like that nothing can stop me."

"But I can."

"Please understand Savvy."

"I won't"

He sighed and gave up, "Whatever you say."

I smiled hugging tightly him once again, "Do you mind if I take a shower?"

"Sure, I need one too, can I join?"

I gasped, "No way pervert!"

He chuckled, "Follow me I'll get you a change of clothes."

I got up off of his lap and waited for him to lead the way. Just to let you know, I'm still terrified of this guy and I'm still not okay with my parents being dead. In fact, I feel like my heart has been torn in half because of it all.

Rayne grabbed my hand and led me through his house, more like maze. He opened a door and before I knew it I was inside his room. The walls were grey and it had carpet floor. His bed was all black with grey pillows. Then he had a desk and drawer. On his desk was a collection of knives. I quickly looked away from the blood stained knives.

He rummaged through his drawer and tossed me an shirt, a pair of sweats and boxers... "T-thanks."

"The bathroom is at the very end of the hall on the right." He explained.

I rushed down the hall to the bathroom. I quickly stripped and jumped into the warm running water. I relaxed and scrubbed shampoo into my hair. The bad thing about showers is you begin to think about things. I began thinking about my parents. I couldn't cry though, probably because I've cried all of the tears I had left today.

Once I finished I turned off the faucet and dried myself off. I started at the pile of clothes. He's letting me wear his boxers? His dinky was in those... But they were washed so that doesn't matter. I hope they were washed. I got dressed and they all felt a little big on me. I brushed out my brunette hair before going back to Rayne's room.

He was still in there sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I walked over and sat next to him. He looked up at me, "I'm seriously regret everything, I'm so sorry Savvy."

I smiled, "It's okay."

He rubbed his hands together before squishing my cheeks, "Aw! You're so kawaii Savvy!"

"Stoop! Stop!" I giggled.

He stopped with a lop sided grin on his face, "Well we should probably get to bed. It's 11 pm!"

I nodded and crawled under the sheets and Rayne did the same. He slid over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What are you doing?!"

"Oh come on Sav *yawn* just for tonight."

"Fine." I huffed and gave in

I cuddled into his chest and that night I fell asleep in the arms of my parents murderer.

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