Prologue: Part I: See You Soon

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((This story takes place before 'The Old Companoin, A New', another story I'm writing, and will be told in different points of view. I write them by their (probably) OOC personality. I am a disclaimer to any Nintendo charater mentioned. I am a disclaimer to Princess Leona. She is my little sister's character. Please enjoy!)) 


Link's POV: 

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My mind was set, and there was not a damned thing that anyone, not even myself, could do about it. I was prepared to see Midna once more. I was already in a relationship with Princess - well, now Queen Zelda, but I really missed her. I wasn't sure of how to fix a mirror, let alone one that was crushed in dust particles, but I found myself plotting day in and day out of getting someone to do it for me. Someone who could work wonders...

'Someone who could work wonders...' I thought to myself as the sun beamed in through the window of my soon to be old house. I had left to live in the castle, and serve the new queen as her protector, not a gaurd or knight. I only agreed to this position because we were together now, and I needed to watch over her safety in a better way. I loved her.

Finally, the house was entirely empty. The rest of the stuff was thrown into the trailer that was connected to Epona. Up ahead, I saw the whole village gathering in front of the house. "This time you're leaving for good..." Beth mumbled.

"We'll miss you, Link." Colin sighed. "You'll come visit us again, won't you?"

I climbed down my ladder and patted his head. "Don't worry. I will. If you ever need me, just send a letter. You know where to find me." He smiled up at me. In a matter of seconds, I was wrapped up by Colin and his little sister, Beth, Talo, and Malo. Ilia just stood off to the side holding her few bags. She was coming with me, only for a week, though. They all released their grips of me and stepped back. I reached for her bags and put them in the trailer, along with the other things. Ilia hugged her father once her hands were free. I climbed upon Epona.

"I'll miss you, father. We'll be back soon." I could here her comment. She walked over and I helped her up.

"It should take us a day to get there. Well, we'll see you soon." I said. I whipped the reins and began on the trail to Castle Town. As we were leaving, everyone waved at us and we waved back. The goodbyes soon faded away into the distance. 

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The thought overcame me once more. I began plotting again. 'Someone who could work wonders.'

"Link, looky who is here!" Zelda exclaimed. When I walked in to see who it was, I was a bit suprised. "Peach is here! And she's bringing gifts and is offering a trade between our countries!"

"Hello, Peach." I greeted her. She allowed me to call her 'Peach' because we were old friends.

"Hi! I'm so happy to see you again! Here! This is for you!" She handed me a green cell phone; the same one I had my eyes on when I first saw it in the Shroom Mall in the Mushroom Kingdom. "I gave one to Zelda, too!"

I felt like doing flips! I'd always wanted this phone! So how did she know? It didn't really matter how she found out, though. I have it now. Trying to control myself, I nodded. "Thank you, Peach. I really appreciate it!"

"Oh, no problem, Link! I also pre-added contacts for you. Now you can contact me, Mario, Ike, and other people that you asked me to put on your phone." she grinned at seeing us happy. Oh yeah, that's right. She did ask us to send a note of who's number we wanted on our phones. Heh...

Then it hit me as I scrolled down the list and found the name of another old friend. 'She was someone who worked wonders! Now that I have a phone, I can ask Princess Leona, and her strange friend, to come and fix the Twilight Mirror! But do they even have reception in Scherbertt Land?' I thought. "I'll be right back!" I said, abruptly walking off to my room. I was free to have my privacy back after Ilia left a few days ago. I closed the door behind me, sat on my bed, and dialed her number.

"Hello? Hello!" she yelled.

"H-hey Leona! I need you to come and help me with something. Can you fix the Twilight Mirror for me?"

"Who is this? Er... I forgot!"

"Link." I answered plainly.

"Ok!" But by the time I was beginning to reply, I found myself sitting in Gerudo Desert. She had a powerful wand that could change the world and give you anything you pleased. I wanted one of those, too. With a wave of her wand, the mirror appeared. I was impressed at how someone as dumb as her could wield such a powerful item. "I'm going to eat some pizza now."

"Um... ok... Hey, can you tell Zelda that you accidentally lost me. I'll be back tomorrow." I told her. Zelda would believe her because Leona was wierd - she did these kinds of things.

"Ok!" she repeated. Three seconds passed before I realized that she was gone. I shrugged and turned to the mirror. The beat of my heart began to race, my ears were pounding, and my adrinaline rushed.

"I'm coming to see you Midna... See you soon..." I whispered.

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