Chapter 2: To Do What I'm Told Not To Do

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We ran through the castle, dodging furniture, guards, and even stuff that we dropped. Finally we arrived to the Throne Room, where Mother was sitting and talking with Sir Jaquie. I ran up to her and handed her the note. "Father told me to give this to you..." I said. I fell to my knees, breathing heavily, from running up four flights of stairs, and throughout the entire castle. Mother jumped out of her throne and began to run downstairs. "Hah... Really...?" I panted, " ...Again...?" Agitha helped me up and started out of the room.

Father was just about to leave once we made it down. "Alexzandra, I will be back. Stay here and don't leave! Arteius, watch her for me!" he ordered.

"I will do my best, Your Majesty!" he responded. Father put his green hat on, and with that, he was gone. "Princess, please take Miss Agitha with you to your room." Arteius ordered. He ran outside soon after. I was so confused. I almost began to panic. 'What to do? What to do?!' coursed throughout my head. Some of me wanted to run and hide like Father and Arteius had ordered, but more of me wanted part of this. I wanted to help, too.

"Wait! This way!" I blurted pulling Agitha with me. "I have to get my stuff!"


"This is a great opportunity to prove to Daddy that I have what it takes to travel alone!" I interrupted. I only called Father "Daddy" when I was happy or eager - anything around that.

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Moments later I was prepared. I put on my Adventurer's Outfit - an outfit specially made for me. It was a shorter version of my dress, which was long-sleeved and strapless, but instead a tunic. My tights were a creme color while I styled the usual knee high, brown boots. I grabbed my Mini Shield, a shield Father had custom made for me to test how good I was with any shield (or without one) and one that Arteius had forced me to train with, the Ordonian Sword Father had given to me, my bow, my quiver full of arrows, a few bombs, my wallet, my bag of a few extra clothes, and of course my ocarina and harp, so I could feel comforted if I ever missed home.

Agitha sat on my bed and watched me silently. When I turned to her, she had an questioning look on her face. "Are you sure about this, Zelly? I mean, defying the king and all --"

"Is a big 'go' in my book! He is my father, you know. Me defying him isn't as bad as a middle class person doing it; I just get chastised or what have you." I interrupted. She remained silent. "Well, let's get going, shall we?"

She nodded in agreement. She had all of her things together since she was spending the night anyway. We, again, headed down stairs.


As we walked outside, Arteius spotted us. "Princess, where do you think you're going?" This caught the rest of the Knight-Captains' attentions. They all walked around Agi and I. "You don't plan on following your father, do you?" he asked in a somewhat knowing tone.

"I do." I answered plainly. Agitha nodded also.

He sighed. If I left, he would take the fall for it. Besides, he was the head of all knights and my body guard, so of course he'd be suspected. "All right, we shall prepare momentarily." he answered. I was quite surprised that he would approve of my doings but he promised to keep me safe, and it was something about him that I couldn't put my finger on. He was very willing to listen to what I had to say, and he was very bashful when I allowed him into my room to tell him my feelings of certain topics. He always obliged to my commands and kept some certain distance between us when we sat or stood together, and he always fidgeted when he was close beside me. There was one thing that it could mean. 'He liked me? Couldn't be possible...' I thought to myself as he walked off. I was sure that I had a weird expression on my face and Agitha would be wondering about it.

I turned to look at her. She was staring at me, like I predicted. I came up with a half true excuse. "It's nothing..." I paused. "Do you want come with me, and are you okay with it? I'm sorry for not asking before."

She giggled a bit. "Don't apologize! Of course I'm okay with it!" I felt a bit relieved. I often forgot to ask for other people's opinions, even though I did consider them - a fatal flaw in my personality.

Moments later, Agitha, all Knight-Captains, and myself, were on the eastern side of Castle Town, in Hyrule Field. "We are ready. I have already informed your mother and she shall inform Lady Agitha about our departure." Arteius said. He called my friend Agitha "Miss Agitha" and her mother "Lady Agitha" so no one, or himself, would be confused. I nodded and repositioned myself on the horse my father bought for me some time ago. Her name was Epony, only because I wanted to be more like Father, she was a pony when we got her, and she looked somewhat like Epona.

"Follow my lead!" I ordered my new escorts. I flicked Epony's reins and began down the trail toward the Hidden Village. I suspected Father would be headed that way, and even if he wasn't, my Uncle Sheik could help me track him down.

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