Chapter 11: Boss Battle 1: A Disastrous Interference

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In through the door we ran, behind Father, who skidded to a stop ahead of us upon seeing the girl standing still in the center of the room. Her grin was dark and mischievous. It reminded of Bandeena's smirk when her eyes were shielded by her cap, though at this view of her, she hadn't seemed any older than us. One by one, everyone poured into the room silently let alone the clanking of equipment and the patter of boots and shoes. The girl simply watched us, then burst into sudden laughter; an echoing cackle. It rang through the room, the walls throwing the sound to and fro. It hurt my ears too much to comprehend and I tensed slightly, shuddering. Linda folded her arms, standing beside me. Had she been reading the girl somehow?

Then the dark one spoke. "Hero of Legend and those Heroine To Be that stand before me... A child of light, and a child of shadow. A child of those condemned to everlasting twilight, and one free to scour the light and shun those were damned. How amusing you chase me this far to fall to your knees before me, to my mercy… what mercy I do have. You know nothing of me, yet you are so determined to stop me right here?" She lifted her head, her eyes glinting in the dim reflective light of the crystal on the flooring.

Father’s eyes were a deep blue as he stared down the villainess. "Leave them alone! We will defeat you, no matter the cost! I have no doubt that Ganon sent you here to cause havoc in Hyrule." he retorted. He leaned on his left toe slightly, a pouncing stance he had taught me sometime ago. Strangely he seemed so relaxed.

She laughed louder at this, holding her stomach. "Oh, send me he did once I vowed to him my loyalty. My brother and I have sworn to resurrect the Demon King and bring the Goddesses down to Hyrule once more. And how joyous the occasion will be once Ganon's wishes are granted. Our father will rule over this pathetic land with an iron fist of darkness. Isn't that right, Landon?"

A boy slightly older than her stepped from behind her nonchalantly and sighed. He looked like he would have been an ordinary Hylian boy who had not known any better. Zetta gasped at seeing him and I wondered if she had known him. His hair, like the girl's, was protective of his face, which made his facial features hard to make out. Something about his demeanor made him seem respectively different from his sister's intentions. "You're right, Gana..." he muttered. Her name was no surprise, as hell bent as she was on returning the beast to the light realm.

"Just as I thought. Now then. I see we have scattered pieces of Triforces about the room. Let's make things easy, shall we? Hand them over and we will leave. We will let your precious kingdom be." Gana hummed.

Knowing my father, there was no negotiation. He leapt forward on his toe, dashing towards the girl with impeccable speed. And the battle had begun. Landon summoned different types of Bokoblins, Bulbins, Stalfos, Lizalfos, and even a few Darknut, while Gana had disappeared from Father's view once he delivered a slash. We each charged and clashed with the summoned minions. The Gorons rolled about enemies, tossing them and beating them with the might of their punches. Julia reloaded her crossbow and fired at hard to spot enemies and Almera helped to finish off distant monsters. Agitha and Joseph ran about, looking for extra items to aid us with. Sasha, along with with the Gerudo, slashed swiftly at oncoming monsters. The Knight-Captains gladly took on the various Darknut. The air was soon filled with battle cries, clashing metal. Linda and I charged behind our father who had hoped throughout the crowds with ease towards the siblings. The two split before we had the chance to prepare an attack. Suddenly, there was a glow around us. A spell had been casted, to encase us? Father spun around, outside of the border, and pounded on it to no avail.

Linda then sighed, slumping over slightly on the balls of her feet. “I feel weak here. This will be a difficult battle.” she breathed.

I turned to her, now concerned for our own welfare rather than the outcome of the battle. “What do you mean?” I whispered. Linda drew her sword, the Twilight Sword, which pulsed with the symbols and blue light that covered her body, and pointed it towards Gana. Then I had known exactly what she meant. Our hope of winning remained solely on our swordplay.

She charged, once their swords were drawn, I not too long after her at Landon. His sword and mine collided at once, sparks flying from the gleaming metal with each swing being met. Immediately, he slid his sword from mine and snucked in an unwards slash; I grunted, stumbling from a dodge. The Mini Shield would have have to come in some use now. And it did. As the boy jumped and swung down, I lifted the shield and and ducked, squeaking from so much force being applied to my left arm alone. I shuffled slightly, flustered, lunging backwards, trying to regain my footing, so that I wouldn’t fall. Odd enough, Landon had stopped. He stood straight up, tall and proper and only a mere few feet away, and his sword pointed towards the floor. Was he waiting on me?

“Your move, princess.” he hummed. I stopped, puffing to catch my breath, confused as to why he was waiting. As to why he hadn’t taken this opportunity to kill me yet. And his features came alive. Behind his dark brown hair hid innocent pale green eyes that sparkled off the light off of the barrier. His nose was small and round, as was his face. Perhaps that’s why Gana wanted to recognize him as her brother.

I stood up tall, taking a small deep breath.”W-what?” I huffed.

“Your turn?” He held his hand out, gesturing for me to go. Was this a game to him? I glanced towards Linda and Gana, who had been fighting tooth and nail with the aid of their swords. Both were covered in a good amount of cuts and scratches already. It was rougher than I imagined it would have been, yet they still managed to make it look like a dance. And the boy glanced that way as well, before walking backwards.

He was strange, I could give him that much. “Landon! Now!” the girl called out to him. He raised his arms and then shot them out to the side, shattering the barrier. The sound and impact shook the room causing me to stumble yet again. This was getting frustrating, but more importantly, was Linda able to use her powers again?

Linda’s POV:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The barrier reflected off of the dark girl, illuminating her hair and her dark brown eyes, which flickered a honey color against the light but looked like black holes once it past. Only few minutes had passed into the battle and my body was on fire. Those poor people who had to use their legs throughout their entire lives; I pitied them and I felt their pain. But I must have been doing something right. Gana’s smirk had faded into a full on glare. Her eyes were cold and hollow and her hands shook around the handle of her sword. She charged towards me, screaming as she did so, raising her sword. And she was a force to be reckoned with. The power of her swing and her sword pushing against mine knocked me backwards, though I tried to keep my balance where I could. She followed with an upwards slash, then spun on her toe, attempting to slash across my body. She had a crazed look in her eyes, wild and yet distressed.

But I didn’t have time to analyze her thoroughly. All that ran through my mind at this point is that I couldn’t die here or let her get too close, at the least. “The Triforce of Courage will be mine! Hand it over and we’ll do this the easy way!” Gana growled. She eyed my hand, which shimmered in the glare of the barrier, and pulsed gently with dim light, being so close to Alexzandra and Father. The was something about the way it glowed that drove the girl crazy. I saw in her eyes that she had to have it. I stood my ground regardless, and in the face of pure madness, I charged at her, full force.

Alexzandra’s POV:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The whole room stopped in shock. The monsters conjured up by magic stopped. It felt like the world had stopped. And all eyes were left on Linda who was on the floor, and Gana, who hadn’t stopped. She ran towards Landon and took his glowing hands, grinning like a madwoman. I couldn’t tell from the distance I was at, but it seemed as though hers were glowing as well. And once they touched, the glow became ablazed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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