Chapter 8: Not All of This Is A Snowy Wasteland?

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I woke up to the sound of rushing water. I sat up and rub my eyes until that gross crumby feeling around them was gone. It took me a moment, but I had realized that I'd fallen asleep behind King Ralis's throne after the feast was over. It was such a thrill that it tired me out and I had went to sleep there to get away from the noise and commotion.

I never knew how much a Zora was capable of eating until last night while sitting next to Sasha, but then again I never knew there was a such thing as a "Zora". Father had used some old broken torches to start a fire. The people caught a lot of fish to eat called Reekfish and 'reek' was definitely right. You could've smelled it thirty miles away if it was held up into the air. But regardless of the smell it tasted pretty good after being cooked, unlike the Zora community who ate it raw. Even so, I would have never wanted to eat raw fish, or meat, ever again.

I popped up on my feet and went to find everyone else outside of the throne room. The sky was still a bit dark, meaning that it was only about 5:30 or so. They were already near the entrance to Snowpeak. "There she is!" I heard Bandeena yell. They all followed her finger that remained pointed at me. She smirked at me deviously, bent her knees, and ran so fast toward me that I was sure she disappeared. Just like that, I was near the rest of the group.

"What was that?" Julia asked her, seeming to notice my surprised and confused face. Bandeena shrugged.

"I can run fast, let's just say that." she replied. I turned to the water to see Father swimming around shirtless with King Ralis and Sasha, and Bandena's gang watching him with their feet in the water. "How do you live with him? You should be grateful he's ya pa." Bandeena sighed, also turning her attention to him.

I grabbed his undershirt and messily put it over my tunic out of the blue. "I am. Though he is as serious as he looks, he can get dumber. He's not as smart as he looks. And he acts like a dog." I mumbled, while getting the shirt on. "That explains why he fake-coughed a howl away last night during the feast."

Julia pointed. "And why he's doggy pedaling." I nodded.

"Something he hardly ever does." I added.

He pedaled this way and sat on the edge of the small pool. "I never knew how much fun doggy pedalling was, but it is! I can't swim like that for a long time though." he commented randomly. "But hey, the sun's almost up so let's get going, shall we?" He got up and puled his shirt off of me. The he put his tunic on and equipped all of his belongings.

"Where to next, Sire?" Arteius asked Father. Father pointed behind him, struggling to get his right boot on.

Bandeena and Sasha stepped back. "I... I can't go in there..." Bandeena whispered. "I'll juss wait here with my group, n' make sure they dun ruin anything."

"Same here." Sasha said. "I'll get... dehydrated from going into a very cold place..." We could all tell that they were making it up but we didn't care. Once Father was ready, we all headed into the tunnel, leaving the two behind.

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We had made it over the ice path safely, though Zetta and Almera almost slipped off of a few patches. Linda, be able to float, obviously floated over the ice. Agitha sacrificed some of her warmth for all of it, bravely taking her tiny heels off to reduce the risk of sliding or tripping. Father and the rest of the knights had no trouble moving across the ice quickly, while Julia and I moved too slow to care about speed in the first place.

Once we were across the ice, we were faced with a large hill and... snow wolves? Whatever they were, the popped up by the dozen, surrounding us. We backed into each other, one another facing a direction, prepared for attack and Father let a low growl slip out at them. The wolves leapt at us and the battle began. We held up well as the numbers seemed to increase. It like for every wolf we killed three more would appear. Then, the numbers decreased, without us even touching them. Father and I looked up to find the source of the quick elimination - a boy with a gun that shot shards of ice. He saw us and hopped down from where he was perched to give us a hand.

Soon the battle was over. He walked over to us and began with, "Glad I found all of you. You probably would have been torn to shreds by now... Boy, for Hylians from the city, you all hold up well!" he commented. Linda turned her nose up.

"We're from the Lake Shore--" Julia said, holding her shivering sister.

"And us knights are from the back roads; the streets of Castle Town." Kischel snorted. Imali turned to him and nodded.

"We're orphans, he means." Clavil explained.

The boy grinned. "Ah, I see. I'm from a place called America, though my daddy's from England. I didn't inherit the accent, you see. I'm Joseph Lanes, and I could take you all back to my place to warm up. There's also something important I think you could help me with..." Joseph said.

We agreed and followed him up the large hill.

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After the hill, we were faced with a cold, icy tunnel-type rout that lead to yet another hill. A path of ice and a tree housed themselves there. Joseph spun on the ice once, and ran to the tree, beating on it as he made it to his destination. large pieces of ice fell off of it and he pointed to them. Father smiled and headed toward him. "Ride these down the hill to get there, or walk if you're willing to freeze to death before you get there." Jospeh jeered. We each took one and lined up behind him.

"On the count of three, I'll jump down and ride this to the house. You all will follow me and keep up, please!" I gripped the ice tight. I had never done anything like this before. This would be exhilarating and nerve-wrecking, but I had to do it. I just needed to stay close to Father. "One..." I swallowed almost too hard. "Two..." The chilly air painfully nipped at my ears. "Three!" My heart stopped. He pushed off and disappear from view. Kischel and Imali easily repeated. Clavil helped Agitha get to a good start and they were gone. Jaquie and Zetta left together, and Julia and Almera followed slowly. Father got off to a good start and flew down the hill. Linda, once more, floated beside him. Arteius smiled at me, a teasing expression and waited for me to go. I took a deep breath.

It looked like a long way down. As I was just about to step off, Arteius slung me on his back. "If you don't mind, Your Highness..." he murmured, pushing off to start and catch up with the others. It was awesome! Besides the wind biting at exposed skin, the blurred sights were lovely. We slipped over a bridge, the pines and oaks, and evergreens flew past us as one, and hills and mountains looked all the same. We soon came up to a large house.

"This way!" Father called. Arteius leaned to the left, following him. We slid down a long slope, only be lead to another big house.

As we arrived, we saw people jumping off of the ice, it busting right afterwards. That looked terrifying... I close my eyes and let go of Arteius, falling into the snow. He jumped off and helped me up. "What was--"

"I'm totally fine! As long as my arms and legs aren't broken, we can keep moving right? So march man!" I said, cutting him off and playing off my embarrassment. He shrugged and we followed Joseph into his house.

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The living room was nice decorated. They even had a fireplace (thank the goddesses). We all crowded around it and munched on off-brand toaster pastries. "So," Joseph began, "Do you think you could help me with my problem? I know it's asking too much, but it's an emergency. I'm really worried and I know that we could've just turned around but you all would probably freeze to death if I told you out there. Or starve."

Father, who was spread out on the rug, popped his head up. "What's wrong?"

"My parents..." he mumbled. "They went to Kakariko Village to buy something to keep the ice Keese away with Miss Ashei, but none of them came back."

"That's unfortunate. Though, I'm sure we could help, right Daddy?" Linda told him. Father nodded. "How long ago were they gone?"

"About a day..."

"Well there you have it," Almera exclaimed. "We're definitely helping and we'd be happy to!"

"Thanks" he responded.

Father put up a hand. "It's not a problem." We finished our pastries, and Linda warped us to Main Hyrule Field, the one toward the west. Then she went back twice more to get our horses, Bandeena, Sasha, and Bandeena's theft group.

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