Chapter 5: Discovering Another Realm and A Sister?

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Almera, Julia, Agitha, and I struggled to climb the damaged steps which lead to a large, open room with a strange mirror in it. Dawn was beginning to break, and I was becoming utterly drowsy. "Goddesses!" Bandeena exclaimed. "The Twilight Mirror! It's the one most valuable treasures in the desert! We were goin' for it ourselves, but I figured it'd be better to make an impression on the king." she mumbled quietly. I huffed, and studied the large mirror that had strange spinning patterns on it. Then, I examined the humongous rock that reflected the patterns, but made them look larger. 'Had I seen these before?' I questioned myself. For some strange reason, they seemed familiar to me. Did Father leave any patterns like these around the castle?

"It's beautiful..." Zetta sighed.

"Come one. We have to get going." Father cut in. I, still looking around, stepped on a strange looking, glowing square. Then, steps suddenly appeared out of the blue. "Keep going, and wait on that circle up there. Once you get get to the other dimension, don't go anywhere. Just move to the side a bit, okay?" Father advised me. I nodded. Hesitantly, walked to the top, being cautious that they wouldn't suddenly disappear as quick as they came.

I waited. A strange force began pulling me into a strange warp; a suction feeling lingered on me. Then, I looked around a bit. It was the strangest I'd ever seen. Fearing of making a bad choice, I waited, on the side of the white orb thing that glowed on the ground, for the others like Father told me to do. Then came black, square, particle-like things that put themselves together in the shape of Sir Kischel. The dark figure turned into him and he walked next to me and stood there. Intimidating was he, with narrow light brown eyes and long dark brown hair that flowed messily behind him, and the fact that he was 6'5" didn't help anything. I refused the urge to look up at him in awe, like I always did.

Next came Julia and Almera, then Agitha, the rest of the knights, Bandeena and her gang, and finally Father. "Let's keep moving." he said. We all followed. This world was so strange. There were people gathered in a crowd around a tall woman. But these people were strange, too. Some were very tall and long, some were very short and stubby, and some who were usual height were stubby. It was a bit frightening, but Father was here. I found myself clinging to Father as we walked through the crowd of inhumane inhabitants of this realm. Everyone else seemed a bit tense, but calmer than Agitha, Almera, and I. "Hello, Midna! Long time, no see!" Father called out loudly.

In the center of the crowd was the woman. She was magnificently gorgeous; her orange hair wrapped around her face and tied at her chest, perplexing blue skin, flowing black cloak, her skirt with the long slit in it, and the amazing, detailed patterns on her arms and right thigh. She was terrifyingly tall, though. Her eyes were red and gentle until she spotted us. She looked a bit shocked, to admit it. "What are you doing here?" she asked, hiding the shock and anger in her voice only briefly before turning her back to us. "And why do you bring these people?"

"We need your help." Father concluded. We all waited for her response and tensed greatly as the "people" of this world began to examine us closely. "Midna."

"Follow me. We must talk privately." she ordered, speed-walking toward the entrance of a large building. We went up and down stairs, rode across blue, glowing, moving, square platforms, and into many rooms. Throughout our trip to the trip to the throne room, Midna and Father argued a bit back and forth. "Link, you never thought to visit at all?"

"Don't start, Midna. You know I had to keep this a secret." Father argued.

"For how long?" she spat.

"Never mind it!"

"You never thought to visit your daughter? To tell her you loved her, or happy birthday? It's been 15 years, Link, and it's never crossed your mind to send a thing? To at least tell her you were her father?!"

I was becoming afraid. The others were quiet the whole time, also afraid to jump into the personal conversation. But my mind was racing like lightening as I was still listening to the conversation and thinking, 'His daughter? I AM his daughter... right? 15 years? But I'm 14...' Then we all stood in a group as Father and the lady named Midna walked toward the throne, still arguing about their situation, in which none of us had any clue what the heck was going on. "Link! Have anything to say for yourself?!" the tall woman yelled, nearly bending over Father to look him in the eye.

"All right! Okay, I'm sorry! Is that what you want to hear? I'm sorry for not being there to help you raise Linda, and for trying to keep our secret a secret! I've been busting my butt trying to do for Hyrule and find the time to visit and bring Alexzandra to see you both, and I'm sorry for not doing that sooner. I was trying to keep a promise. Remember our promise?" he huffed. His breathing was jagged, and his face was a bit red. Never had I seen Father so frustrated, and neither did I want to ever again. He paced around the room, and I glanced at him long enough to spot the frustration in his eyes when he turned our way.

The throne room door raised suddenly. "What is wrong? Why is there so much yelling? Please make it stop!" the girl at the cried, running toward Midna and taking her hands quickly. She wasn't as tall as Midna, but Father's height. She didn't look any older than me, though; her eyes were blue like mine, and her hair was short and a dusty blond color - it looked like a mixture of blond and orange strands - and covered most of her left eye, her skin was like a grey-blue, and her outfit was unique, having had the blue-glowing patterns on her arms. It was like Midna's, but it had no cloak and her skirt was a whole - there was no split in it. Her shirt (it looked mostly like a vest) was connected together by the Triforce in the middle of her chest. Her crown was made of wires and on the very top stood the Triforce. 'Why the Triforce? Nothing else here relates to it, except for the mirror...' I thought. "Mother! Why do you shout? Who are these people?! I don't-- I can't-- I- I--"

Midna finally cut her off. "Linda! Calm yourself at once! This is Link. He is your father..." she announced. Linda turned around to see Father. Her eyes wide with amazement.

"Him? Father; is it you?" she asked. He nodded. "Why?"

Father tilted his head some. "Why what?"

"Why have you waited so long to visit me again? I've missed you so. Have you brought along my sister?" she questioned him. Frantically, she searched the room, as if in panic, and stopped at me. Then she stared for a moment before, literally, floating over to me. She giggled, touched my face, and hugged me. I, as confused as anyone would be, stood there and tried to hug her back, though I wasn't truly sure who she was. "Ah, my sister! Tis you! Alexzandra! I know it's you, and you are my little sister! I'm Linda! Do you know it's me? Did you know that I was your sister? Your big sister?" she exclaimed all at once.

I hesitated, squirming a bit under her tight grip, and said, "N-no. I never knew I had a s-sister! H-how do you know m-my name?" She gasped and let go of me instantly, spinning around, laughing hysterically, and jumping into the air as she did so. We all stopped and watched her in awe she took on a dramatic scene. Actually, it kind of scared everyone.

"You didn't know?! Oh, dear sister! What could have possibly happened for you to not have known I existed?! What should the goddesses know that we cannot?! Oh me! Oh Alexzandra. Tell me what is it that you see." she demanded before flying down toward me, placing her hand over my forehead and rolling back her eyes. As she spoke in an familiar language, my eyes began to roll back as well, and the vision began.

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