Prologue: Part III: Caught

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Artieus's POV:

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"Finally! Come on, guys! Dinner's served..." whispered Kischel, the leader of our little band. We all chose him since he was the oldest: 18. Me, I was only 13 and what he taught us was to live up to being the leader of our group, considering he was the first. Every time someone turned 18, they were leader. I was third in line. Imali was a strong, hot headed, 15-year-old girl, so she would be a good leader. Clavil was 16 and cared about all us a lot, but together we all were family. We even had two little ones with us; Jaquie, who was 9, and his sister, Zetta, who was only 6. Luckily, they were quick on their feet.

We lived with Agitha and the baby she'd adopted under one condition, of course; we catch bugs. She fed and paid us too, for it. She still allowed us to steal, even so. When she fell asleep at night, in order to have nothing to do with us stealing food, we'd go out to South Castle Road and snatch food from the market, on a normal night. Then we'd go to Telma's Bar for the rest of the night. She gave us free drinks, and allowed us to eat and sleep there.

Tonight was not a normal night.

We winded around the corner while making sure to avoid any sign of those stupid Hyrulian Knights. They weren't even fit to be called "knights", but our new king promised to do something about it. He was strong; he could be the whole army if he wanted to. "Split up." ordered Kischel. Everyone went in every which way, stuffing food into their pouches, and sashes, and even shirts. Then when we couldn't fit anymore, we gathered by Kischel until all of us were finished.

Suddenly a little girl came flying into my side. "Ow! Ah, h-hey there kid!" I greeted her. I smiled until I recognized who she was. I began to panic. "K-Kischel, w-we got trouble! The princess is--"

"Damn." he spat. "Let's go, now!" He darted off into the entrance of Telma's bar. The others, all but Imali and Clavil, followed.

I looked at them breifly as we stood our gaurd, I still holding the young noble. "We'll take them on together..." Imali growled, reaching for her knives. "I'm ready."

"I couldn't leave you two here by yourselves. I won't fight them but I will if I have to." Clavil admittied. He stood to my left as Imali stood to my right. We waited. I felt my color fade away as I stood before the stranger in front of the so called "Knights of Hyrule". He walked fast and very gallantly, cape flowing behind him. Even Imali and Clavil stiffined a bit.

The little princess turned around, hugged me tightly, and smushed her head on my thigh. I held her firmly, but gently. The man in front came closer. We all straightened our postures as much as we could. Then he stopped before me. I was shaking, trying my hardest not to show my fear, but how could I not? He was the strongest, most powerful man in all of Hyrule. We all dropped and bowed at his presence. "M-my lord..." I whispered.

The princess replaced the hold on my leg with a squeeze on my neck. "Rise." He ordered. We obliged. "Alexzandra, no more running off, do you understand?" The girl shook her head and ran to the king. "Did you find her?" he asked me.

I hesitated. "Well not exactly; she found us." Imali and Clavil stood silent. Kischel and the other two hid by the wall on the stairs. The king nodded.

"How many of you are there?" he directed to Clavil.

"I... um... six..."

Imali had her head down the whole time, still clutching her loaf of bread.

"But there are three of you now. Where are the others?"

For some reason, he seemed intimidating to talk to but understanding so I couldn't lie to him. He didn't even seemed to care that we were thieves. "Over there." I answered, pointing to the dark stairway that led to the bar. Kischel, Jaquie, and Zetta revealed themselves.

Kischel spoke up first. "I am the leader of this group. What ever punishment you have planned for us, give it only to me! They don't deserve it...!" he defended. The king widened his eyes and laughed.

We were all taken aback. "Punishment? How could I punish you after finding my daughter? I shall reward you. Come with me." he responded. He took the girl's hand and headed for the castle. The knights followed, and so did we soon after, stolen food and all. We were very lucky that she was lost, and that we have such a selfless king. What more could anyone ever ask for?

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