3) Tea?

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A/N: I'm actually drinking tea while I write this. Well anywho, enjoy!
   Tea. The stuff in the flask was tea.

   "Tea?" I asked when I tasted it.

   "Yep!" he said, popping the P. The tea was actually really good, it had a bit of mint in it.

"So someone regenerates and automatically you think 'oh better go get some tea!'"

"Pretty much, good tea is what every regenerating time lord needs!"

  I roll my eyes. Suddenly the doctor looks troubled, not majorly troubled just that confused kind of troubled you get when some little detail is wrong.

"You're still wearing your jacket." He says.

"Ya. What about it?"

"Well in your last form you were a little girl, why does the jacket still fit?"

"Well, it was a really big jacket, and I'm still rather small." The Doctor seems to think this is a suitable answer.

"Can I have a mirror?" I ask.

"Oh ya! I forgot you might want to see what you look like!" He dashes into the TARDIS and reappears with a small hand mirror. He pauses and checks his reflection before handing me the mirror. I roll my eyes and look into it. Somehow my hood was still up, I must have put it up after I regenerated, and I pulled it down. I hear a loud whine from the doctor.


As the doctor said I was indeed ginger, very ginger. My tangled ginger hair stretched down to my waist. I had green eyes now too. I looked about the same age as the doctor looked.

Despite the jacket fitting me my other clothes were way too tight. The Doctor seemed. to notice my discomfort.

"Would you like to get some clothes from the TARDIS wardrobe?"

"Yes please," I may hate him but I'm still polite. He leads me into the TARDIS but gets distracted by the console.




"What about them?"

I glare at him in annoyance.

"Oh yes! Clothes! They're that way (he points to the hall) take the first left, then second right, then third left then head straight, go under the stairs, past the bins and the wardrobe is the fifth door on the left."

I repeat the instructions in my head as I walk down the halls, trying not to get lost. I find myself thinking about the Doctor as I slowly progress through the halls.

Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought.....

The thought felt like treason, in a way.

He may be the only time lord ,other than me, but I can never be friends with that man. Remember what he did.

I find myself replaying the end of Gallifrey in my head. No, I cannot be friends with the doctor. I arrive at the wardrobe with that single thought in my head.

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