7) The Drums

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   (The picture is The Master)


   I almost stepped back, almost walked away to leave her to whatever fate the man who did this has planned for her.


   Instead I hugged Scarlet and tried to make sense of what was going on. Poor Scarlet was terrified. I need to help her. I know who did this but why? Is this to get to me or does he need her for something? I just don't know!

   Huh, that's a new feeling, not knowing.

   Scarlet whimpered asking me what was going on.

   "It's The Master, Scarlet, he did this." I tell her. Her eyes look so far away, as if this is all just a dream, but they are also so filled with fear.

   "Is The Master black-hoodie man?" She asks. Black-hoodie man? She must have seen him! I look around hoping he hadn't left already. He's no where to be seen.

   "What did black-hoodie man look like?" I ask.

   "He had white hair a-and a, well, a black hoodie, and a weird laugh" She stutters. Just as I thought. I pull out my sonic screwdriver and scan around. How did I not notice another timelord behind me!?! I must have been distracted by Scarlet.....

   "Scarlet? How did you notice the Master?"

   "I dunno me eyes just felt drawn to him as if I've seen him before...... The Master" She mutters that last part to herself, trying to remember where she heard it.

   "The Master is a timelord, that's probably why you noticed him." I explain to poor Scarlet who must not have been thinking right at the moment.

   "Ya.... That must be it." She says that like she's trying to convince herself.

   "Let's get you back to your TARDIS." I pick her up and look around seeing a telephone box next to my police box, she must have been trying to mock me with a red telephone box!

   I step inside her TARDIS and set her down on a bench thing by the console.

   "I'll be right back." I promise and run to my ship. I return to her a minute later as promised with a small pill bottle.

   "Take this, to help with that headache." I say, she takes it gratefully.

   Within the next few minutes or so Scarlet is back on her feet.

   "No headache?" I ask

   "Minor one,"

   "And those drums?"

   "Still hear those, they are rather loud." She shrugged and I sighed.

   "What now?" She asks. I grin, probably looking a bit mad.

   "We're going to find the master."


A/N- Yes, yes I know the master would be missy in this point of doctor who but I personally hate missy (don't yell at me that's just my opinion) and the master is one of my favorite characters. I might add in some other characters that wouldn't be in this part of doctor who (*cough* captain jack *cough*) . Also I apologize for being terrible at being the doctor and for this message being really long. I hope you enjoyed 🙃🐳

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