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I spent at least an hour in the wardrobe. I picked out a brown leather jacket, with long jeans, and a white shirt with timey wimey designs on it. One of the sleeve on my shirt slid past my shoulder. I also wore some brown boots, not the uncomfortable kind but the kind you can run a very long time in, since I do a lot of running.

When I found my way back to the console room the doctor was staring at something on the screen.

"Doctor?" He quickly turns around and stands in front of the screen so I couldn't see what he was looking at.

"Oh, hello. What took you so long? I was beginning to think you had gotten lost."

"What's on the screen?"

"Nothing... Ya know what you look tired I'd better show you to your room."

"No. I'm not staying here." The doctor looks slightly hurt.

"It's the middle on winter, you'll freeze out there." He calls as I walk out of the TARDIS. I walk to the corner of the alley and curl up into a ball to try and keep warm. The doctor emerges a few minutes later with a blanket that he raps around me.

"You never told me your name." He says. I don't reply. He sits down next to me.

"Come on, tell me."


"That's a lovely name, Scarlet." He repeat my name a few times, as if seeing how he likes saying it.

"So Scarlet, what brought you to New York."


"What kind of stuff." I can tell he is trying very hard to break the ice and make a conversation. I'm afraid if I speak my hate for him will betray me.

"Alien robot things. What about you?" I finally reply and prop myself up to a sitting position. The Doctor seems pleased to finally have me talking.

"I came because the TARDIS sensed timelord."

"That's me."

"Yep!" He said, popping the P.

"Where are you going after you this?" He asks. I don't reply.

Maybe I can ask him for help, he has a TARDIS too.

No I can't trust him, just make something up.

" I'm going to be staying around here for a while."

"Why? Don't you have a TARDIS or a vortex manipulator or something?" He asks. The floor suddenly appears very interesting to me.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I don't speak, not trusting my voice. I force a yawn, roll onto my side and pretend to sleep. The doctor stopped talking but didn't leave, in fact he stayed with me in the cold alley the entire night. Eventually I fell asleep and dreamed of my TARDIS.

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