10) Shut up Sparrow!

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A/N: Over 150 views?!?!? Thank you guys so much!
I wake up for about the 7th time that night and open my eyes. The lights are on in the hall and I can hear The Doctor messing around outside. I guess it's finally morning.

Rubbing my eyes, I push myself up into a sitting position.

Who's room is this?

It certainly isn't The Doctor's. I know that because there are a few guns scattered around.... One of them appears to be sonic....

Maps of different places are tacked to the wall, some of earth some of other places. There are many random items strewn across the shelves, a Dalek eye stock here, a gold Adipose pill there, even a Cyberman head. All on display, like trophies.

   I notice a jacket hanging on the door knob. Jack's jacket.

   Well at least I know which room I'm in.

   Why would they put me in Jack's room? Jack doesn't even like me. I sigh and flop back onto the pillow. Thoughts flutter around my head like a murder of angry crows pecking away at my happiness.

   Should have saved the TARDIS.

   Should have figured out who that guy was.

   Should have been more careful.

   My self hatred party in interrupted by a growl which turns out to be my stomach. With a sigh I pull myself out of bed and grab some clean clothes to change into from my bag.

   Before leaving I clean away the traces of tears, I can't let people see me like this. I have to act fine even if I'm not.

I open the door and nearly trample The Doctor. He was laying on the floor with a stethoscope listening to the ground.

"Doctor, what are you doing?" I ask. He quickly pops back up to his feet.

"Nothing for you to worry about, not that anyone should worry it's just if you were considering worrying you shouldn't because nothing is wrong here." He says quickly.

"Okay then..." I walk around him towards where I hope the console room is, it's too early for dealing with him. Jack was sitting in a chair by the console and stands up when he sees me.

   "Where is the kitchen?" I ask with a yawn.

   "I was just heading there myself, I'll take you," he offers and starts walking before I reply. I mutter under my breath but follow.

The kitchen is surprisingly neat for being The Doctor's. I open the fridge to see what I can eat and am met with shelves and shelves of fish stick and custard boxes.

I smirk slightly and shake my head at The Doctor's odd taste in food. I pull out a box of each and make myself some fish sticks and custard.

Jack leaned by the doorway.

"So, how was your stay in my room?" He says with a flirty tone.

I shrug and pick up my plate of fish sticks and bowl of custard.

"How are you, after everything that happened...." He has a bit of sympathy in his voice but still somehow sounds kinda flirty.

How does he even manage to make everything he says flirty?

I just shrug again and blink back a tear. I walk out the door walking right past him without even giving him a glance.

Most people would see I'm upset and drop it but he sees I'm upset and seems to try harder.

"Come on, talk to me!" He insists and follows me to the console room.

I continue to ignore him and sit on the chair by the console. He sits next to me.

"Go away Sparrow" I growl. The nerve of this guy! I've gotta give him points for persistence but I just lost my home and now he thinks it's a good time to flirt with me?

"It's Harkness," he corrects. "But you can call whatever you want." He adds with a wink.

I roll my eyes and push him off the seat, putting my feet there instead. He sits on the ground in front of me.

This is gonna be a long day.

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