Private Lessons

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(Emily's pov)

Harry continued to use the book.How do I know?He excelled in potions for the week.At five minutes to eight on Friday night I left for the private lessons I know nothing about.I was a bit anxious but they couldn't be that bad anyway,right?I reached the gargoyle and I swallowed.

"Acid Pops"I said confidently.I walked up and knocked politely.He was my headmaster after all but I think all of the student/headmaster relationship left last year when I blackmailed him.I probably shouldn't have done that.

"Come in"Dumbledore said through the door and I walked in to see him talking to a man with light brown hair.

"Hello Emily,please sit"Dumbledore said,motioning to a chair beside the stranger.I looked at the stranger warily,noting his rugged appearance before I sat down.

"It's a good evening isn't it?" Dumbledore asked and I was too curious to ask any questions about why it is a good evening like I did with Umbridge last year when she tried to get information out of me.

"I don't want to seem rude professor but I would rather not talk about what a glorious evening this is"I said and the stranger snorted.

"I thought as much Emily.This man here is Jake Jackson"Dumbledore said,pointing to Jake.Jake was younger than I thought-late twenties at the latest.

"He is an elemental on the run from the American Ministry of Magic.He is here is teach you how to control your powers"Dumbledore continued and Jake scowled.

"Do try Emily.You will be training in the forest as my office isn't suitable" Dumbledore said and I was led out of the room but this Jake guy.He was silent the whole way and I started to wonder if he could talk at all.We reached the Forbidden Forest and it looked as daunting as ever.

"Ladies first"he said gruffly and I walked into one of the wide clearings.

"Do you think you have control of your powers?"he asked first and I blinked. Do I think?

"Yes"I replied and he rolled his eyes before taking some parchment from his pocket and he frowned at it.

"You are unstable when your emotions take control.When you were five you set the house on fire.At age twelve you nearly killed one Cecilia Alice Del Fuego-Longbottom and she was in a coma for over two months.I have also heard that you go to this very spot and burn trees when you are angry.Is this true?" he asked,raising an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.I scowled at him, which made his smirk grow.

"You favourite element is obviously fire and we'll work on that one first.My preference is water but everyone's different"he said before he throws a fireball larger than me at me.It is going at an abnormally slow rate and I try to vanish it but it won't work.I put my hands out and water sprays out and the fireball disappears.

"I thought we were practising with fire"I snapped,angry at the unexpected turn and it nearly reached me when I thought of the water.

"Bad things happen to little girls who play with fire"he replied in a sing-song voice.

"Why does Dumbledore want me taught how to do this?"I asks abruptly after he flung a couple of more fireballs at me.

"Why would I know?"he asked gruffly before flinging a fireball straight at my head and I barely have time to duck as it singes my hair.My hair turned red but not because of the fire.I stood up again and I flung a fireball straight at his head and he barely has time to duck and it hits the tree behind him.

"You do.Why would you change the subject by throwing a fireball at my head then?I'm just curious.Nobody will find out"I said as we walk in circles.It appears we both have a fiery temper.

"I know girls like you.They lie through their teeth to get what they want.I don't want to be here but its either teach an arrogant little girl or be handed over to the ministry"he hissed and I blinked,a bit startled.

"I'm not arrogant.I am fully aware of my limits and my weaknesses.I may lie to get what I want but you don't?You can't say you never lie because you lied about not knowing why Dumbledore wants me trained"I snapped and he hit me with a powerful blast of water and I fell backwards,my robes and hair soaking wet.

"Are you really that stupid?Dumbledore wants you trained because there is a war on the horizon. Actually I'm pretty sure it started already"he snapped at me and I glared at him before using the wind to make him fly back a couple of metres but he stopped himself before he hit the ground.We glare at each other for a moment before I started to laugh at his even more rugged appearance.He had mud and leaves on him and the front of his hair was singed black.

"I don't know what you're laughing at red hair"he snapped with a small smile.

"I still hate you"I said with a smile and he rolled his eyes.

"What because I figured that I can't trust you at all and that I'm more powerful than you"he commented.And I'm the arrogant one?

Two hours 55 minutes later I came out the forest,exhausted but I wasn't the only one.I put up a good fight and Jake was nearly as tired as me.

"I'll see you next lesson Black.Improve or else I'll end up killing your sorry ass"he said as we sludged up the hill.

"It's arse not ass!"I replied,my British accent sticking out.I walked back to the common room and Cece was waiting for me.

"You're soaking"she stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Well spotted"I replied drying and

she laughed as I fell backwards onto the couch.

"How did it go?Was it tiring?"she asked.

"Don't ask"I mumbled and she laughed before poking me.

"You have to go to bed.You're exhausted.Can't have you exhausted when Harry finally holds them Quidditch trials"she said,placing a charm on me and I effortlessly made my up the stairs.Times like this I really love my friends.Sure they can be a pain in the arse but aren't all friends?

---------------------------------------------A/N Okay this is short and bad but I wanted to update.Life has been really busy lately and I'm reading like four books! Thanks to '100_fandoms'

'dragontrainer' and 'midnightwolf223' for fanning.

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