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(Viola's pov) 

Sweat trickled down my face as I sent spell after spell at my father.Well,I was disowned so technically he wasn't my father.He laughed at my attempt to hex him and he sent a killing curse at me.I ducked and it hit the wall.It was lucky.I was lucky.It was because of the potion.

An ear-piercing scream filled the air and I looked over immediately.Greyback was on top of Emily,biting into her.I heard Cece let out a scream but then a spell flew past my ear,reminding me that I was in the middle of a duel.Then I looked down and saw Emily's wand,right at my feet.I wanted to kill my father,a part of me really did but the two simple words wouldn't leave my mouth. I would have to go to Azkaban for life but it would probably be worth it.Still I couldn't get the words out.He knew that.

"Crucio!"he shouted and I fell to the floor so the spell would go over my head.I heard a man scream but it soon stopped.He was obviously a Death Eater otherwise he wouldn't have stopped the curse.

"You going to kill me,daughter?"he taunted as he dodged another hex.

"I'm contemplating it"I snapped and he laughed.I looked up and hit a hex straight up over his head.

"You missed me"he stated and I smirked.

"Look up"I said and then a look of panic crossed his face before the stones fell on his legs and trapped him where he was.I didn't bother gloat,I ran over go Emily and sent a hex at Greyback.He flew back and tried to go back to Emily but my wand was pointed at his head.

"Don't move or I swear to Merlin I will do something I'll regret later"I hissed.He snapped his teeth at me but I smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm already infected dumbass"I said. Probably not the most intimidating thing to say but he looked up at me and smirked before he scuttled off.Then I saw him.His blonde hair and his pale face.Snape was grabbing onto his arm and they were making their way quickly towards the exit.

I looked down at Emily.She was pale and the big bite on the bottom of her neck which extended to her shoulder looked even redder against her pale skin.The pool around her was too big to be good and scratches were on her face,stomach and arms.Cece ran towards me and her eyes frittered to Snape and Draco.

"They look like they're in a hurry.Make sure to slow them down"Cece said and I nodded and I ran after them.I was fast but I noticed that I wasn't the only one chasing the two,so was Harry. 

"What's happening?"I shouted over the noise of the wind as we continued to sprint after the duo.

"He killed him.Snape killed him."Harry shouted."Dumbledore"

I nearly froze in shock and grief but instead I ran faster.

"Emily trusted you.I trusted you!"I screamed and Draco stopped,his eyes wide but Snape just looked impassive.

"I hate you!I hate you!"I screamed and I furiously wiped away the tears that were falling down my face.Snape pulled Draco along as he stared at me,stunned.

"You're one of them Draco.You promised!"I shouted and my voice cracked.

"Bombarda!"I shouted and the ground in front of them exploded.He looked at my with pleading eyes and I crumbled to the ground.He promised!He promised that he wasn't like one of them.Harry ran past me and I heard shouting but it didn't matter to me.I was numb.Dumbledore was dead. Emily was injured.Draco was leaving me.

(Cece's pov) 

"Come on Emily!Wake up"I said,shaking her,my shakes getting more vicious when she didn't wake up.Neville stood beside me,clutching his stomach from where the spell hit him.My vision went blurry and it took Neville's arms around my shoulders to make me realise that I was crying.

The battle had ended,the stupid cowards had fled.The liquid luck had probably saved my life,kept me uninjured but I couldn't say the same about Emily.I should have forced it down her throat like we did to Viola.

"We should get her to the Hospital Wing" Neville said gently but his face was scrunched up in pain.

"You should go too.Just send someone up to help me"my voice cracked but I continued. "move her body"

Neville grimaced before nodding,making his way slowly down the stairs.I looked at Emily.Her chest was moving up and down slowly.I was no Healer but that was telltale sign that she was alive.Bill Weasley lay about ten metres away from us.We couldn't possibly carry him or levitate him in our state so McGonagall ran off to get help.

I heard footsteps and Seamus came up the stairs and my heart stopped and I wiped the tears away.He didn't have to see me crying. He looked like he was going to say something but then he saw Emily and Bill...and the dead Death Eater on the other side of the room.

"I'm not very good at charms you know that. But I'll try to help"Seamus said,not meeting my eyes and I nodded.I cleared my throat.

"Wingardium Leviosa"we both said and the same time and Emily hovered in the air and I waited a moment to see if she would stay in the air.Of course it was probably my charm keeping her up,considering Seamus was a baboon brandishing a stick.I laughed out loud,remembering that charms lesson.

"What are you laughing at?"he asked and I shook my head and I put my full concentration into Emily.

"Nothing"I replied,shrugging my shoulder and I couldn't help but notice the trail of blood from behind us.

McGonagall and Sprout ran up the stairs and McGonagall looked worriedly at Emily before she continued walking.

"Snape killed Dumbledore"Seamus blurted out and I almost dropped Emily.I turned to him,my eyes yet again filling up with tears. Merlin,I feel like Gaby.

"Emily"I said.She always had faith in Snape. She always believed that he was different. She would have done anything for him and now he killed Dumbledore.

"Promise me you won't tell her"I said and he looked at me confused,his eyes scrunched up like they always do when he's confused.

"She's going to find out Cece"he said and I shook my head.

"She's probably wake up a couple of times before she regains fully consciousness. Promise me that you will make sure nobody tells her during these.She needs time to process everything"I said and he gave me a long,hard look.

"You can make me do anything"he said, shaking his head."I promise"

We reached the Hospital Wing and everything was a blur.Emily looked like an angel in the Hospital bed sheets.Her hair surrounded her head like a halo and her was so pale.Professor Lupin...I mean Lupin held onto hand.I felt pity for him.He lost his three best friends,well Pettigrew betrayed him and now his goddaughter was injured.

Fleur came into the ward,sputtering as she looked at her fiancé and Emily.It was nice, the familiarity of it all,Fleur being the bug sister I never had.Then two familiar ginger twins walked into the room and that was when I realised how much we all needed Emily.She was our backbone.She held us together.


A/N this is just a small little chapter.The next chapter will be in Emily's pov.

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